Goa's IT scenario has always remained dull thanks to
the lethargy of the Governments in finalizing an IT
policy and offering the right incentives to the
industry. The software park was started as early as in
1997. Bu the governments kept themselves busy in
toppling games rather than seriously giving a
headstart to the IT sector. Till now, only a handful
of IT companies exist in Goa. Almost the entire batch
of graduates from Goa has to migrate to other states
like Karnataka and Maharastra for better job
prospects, leaving behind their parents and their
birth place. I know a lot of Goans working in
Bangalore and Pune and none of them is unwilling to
work in Goa if they get the right opportunities.
Instead of Goa earning precious revenue from large IT
corporates, it has continuously been loosing its
intellectual workforce, while spending crores of
rupees on their education.
Goa had an excellent opportunity when Patni and Wipro
had chosen to setup their centres here. Every Goan
software professional was looking forward to the Wipro
centre. However the series of unfortunate political
events made them turn their backs towards Goa.
Corporates fear that a change in government will lead
to the change in IT policy and will affect them. I
don't see a reason why the current government is
planning the IT industrial estate in Soccoro as if the
previous government's plans for Taleigaon plateau were

There is still a ray of hope with the central
governement encouraging Goa to setup the SEZ. 
It is high time the new governement starts tracking
all companies that are planning to expand in India,
and making business proposals to them with generous
incentives, including free land to companies that
start in Goa within the next two years. That is the
only way we can make a mark in the booming IT

Cajetan Rego
Coprem, Tivim-Goa

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