Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

Don't believe everything you hear.

When you say, "I love you", mean it.

Never laugh at anyone's dreams.

Talk slowly, but think quickly. And be thinking about the
same thing you are talking about.

Keep in mind that great love and great achievements
involve great risk.

Don't let misunderstandings and minor disputes injure
great friendships.

Don't waste a lot of time trying to change someone else.
The only person YOU can change is YOURSELF.

Remember, that NOT getting what you want is sometimes a
stroke of good luck.

People may forget what you say, but they'll remember how
you made them feel.


Worry never climbed a hill.

Worry never paid a bill.

Worry never dried a tear

Worry never calmed a fear

Worry never missed a meal

So why worry?  It is easier said than done, to stop the worry.
If you must worry, try this technique.  Allow yourself 15 minutes a day to

Think of all of the things that will or might happen.
Plan some actions if need be.  Then during the rest of
the day you are not allowed to worry. If you fall into
worry stop and tell yourself I am not allowed to worry now.

Thoughts can get out of hand.  As you continue to practice
this on a daily basis, you may find the time you spent worrying
grows less and less and your technique is becoming more natural and easy to


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