
>From your comments it's crystal clear that you are not a 'Bamon'.  So,
the next most natural thing to do is bash all the 'Bamons'.  Having done
that, could you clarify where in the caste hierarchy you belong?

Oh yes, you are a 'Catholic' so there are no 'caste-baggage' you carry,
but your forefathers did, right?

Let's say you are some where below the 'Bamon' in caste hierarchy.  If
we go by your logic and rhetoric, than the folks below your caste have
the right to question your casteist approach just like you question the
Bamons, right? So that makes you a casteist just like you perceive all
Bamons as casteist.
Unless, you occupy the lowest part of the caste hierarchy along with

So, as a 'Catholic' does it give you a right to make such weird
statements?  Of course, if one is smoking some weird stuff, than it's
all a different matter.

You will agree that as a 'Catholic' you cannot make such statements
against other human beings.  If you wish to standby your rhetoric, than
you can't be a 'Catholic'.

The choice is yours!



Antonio Menezes wrote:

Senhor Alfredo Francisco Antonio Luis

calls himself  1) an unabashed brahmin
       who is    2) determinedly fighting the detriments
                        of casteism in our society.

para 1)  proclaims to be an abashed one, when all other bamons are quite
            unwilling to do so  in our society.

para 2) '' intention to fight determindedly the detriments of casteism
in our
            society '' is rather doubtful.  Why would  Senhor Alfredo
have the 
            the lesser mortals know that his grandmother hailed from the

            Vasconcelos family and his mother from Cunha family ?

         The question , therefore, should be :         '' Can a bamon
         become an anticasteist ? ''


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