Stop, Cecil, not even in jest, we should not pick on
dear Veronica over pickled english - his is the real
thing - Frisian, the Dutch coastal dialect that
floated over the Channel to Britain.  Near identical
to english, its spoken by a quarter of a million
people: the link to Veronica - he was raised in Goa on
Frisian Girl condensed milk, shipped in during his 
'decades of nostalgia'.  For those who remember
St.Pauli Girl beer - it is the name of Bremen's red
light district!           eric.

--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A. Veronica Fernandes wrote:
> The Bhembros, the Mauzos, the Kelekars, the
> Shivdases and others are not to be trusted anymore.
> This is my firm
> opinion.
> ------
> Dear Veronica,
> 1) Should we stop trusting all people with these
> surnames?
> 2) Can you provide us with a list of surnames that
> identify trustworthy people?
> 3) Is it a coincidence that the surnames you mention
> are also the surnames 
> of stalwarts of the Konkani movement?
> 4) Your attacks on the English language are well
> appreciated. But surely 
> there must be some better way of advancing the
> Konkani cause rather than 
> just by attacking English the way you do in your
> writings.
> Cheers!
> Cecil
> ====

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