It was a "nite" with a difference once again at India
Social and Cultural Centre - Abu Dhabi, when the
eagerly awaited "Konkani Nite" was presented for the
fourth year in succession at their premises on 30 June
2005, Thursday evening.

The nearly houseful audience enjoyed the evening's
proceedings which started with the welcome speech by
the Entertainment Secretary Sathya Babu of ISC
followed by brief speech by ISC Honorary President
Thomas Varghese who applauded the rich culture of both
Goan and Mangalorean communities.

The Main co-ordinator of the show Robert Rego in his
introduction, highlighted the aim of such an event to
bridge the gap between the two communities and share
the feelings which has brought them together with the
common bond of Konkani language and the rich cultures
which are similar in nature.

The brief stage programme started with a Goan and
Marathi Dances followed by Konkani songs and music,
medleys and Mando,depicting the rich culture of the
Konkan belt.

A special tribute to the late Alfred Rose - Goan
singer par excellance who was close to the hearts of
both Goans and Mangaloreans, was paid by Jerry
Fernandes who mimicked to the background music and
chanted the evergreen songs of the great artiste
bringing back nostalgic memories.
It was relaxed atomosphere all around and was an
excellent evening to do away with the summer blues,
and the audience thoroughly enjoying themselves with
the company of each other in the comfortable ambience
of ISC auditorium.

DJ "Avito" was superb in his selection of songs and
foot tapping music, both Mangalorean and Goan Konkani
songs along with , English, Portuguese and others,
which kept the audience on their toes. The ISC hall
came alive as the crowd danced till the early hours of
the morning enjoying every bit of it in a relaxed and
hassle free atomosphere.

There were spot prizes and a raffle draw for both
young and the old. 
The master of Ceremony Anne Joyce did a splendid job
by compering the show, keeping the audience spell
bound with her wit.
The programme concluded with the traditional Mando -
with mixture of Mangalorean, Goan and Marati songs.
Indeed it was an evening with a difference, because
there were no unwanted speeches or other usual stage
gimmicks nor any frills attached as promised by the

It was an excellent idea by the ISC Management to
organize such an event to enhance the bond of
friendship and community spirit of both communities 
The full credit of organizing this wonderful evening
goes entirely to the team of dedicated committee
members who have toiled hard to make this "Nite" a
memorable one with limited resources at their disposal
and of course with the back up support from ISC
The people look forward to these kind of gatherings to
shy away from the hustle and bustle of the day to day
life in the Gulf.


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