
Obviously, some of the fundamentalists on this list
simply "do not get it". Here is a nice email I
received from one such person. I have deleted his
email to protect his identity. The threat was not from
any one recently involved in the various debates on

BTW, any tips from anyone on the best ways to protect
myself from the impending lightning strike that is
about to hit my head :)



Marlon ,
  Don't mess with Chriatianity , and least of all
Jesus who is God !!

  Consider this a Warning as well as Friendly advice .

--- Kevin Saldanha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Joe Vaz and other believers on this list,
> Your right to believe in a God and follow the
> religion of your choice is 
> as "hallowed" as my right NOT TO!  GoaNet is a
> secular forum and 
> opposing viewpoints can be made without resorting to
> personal 
> invective.  I was on Santosh's cc list but have not
> been spamming your 
> mailbox, just in case I get accused of doing so.  My
> reply to GoaNet was 
> delayed due to formatting errors but I was grateful
> to him for keeping 
> me informed as I subscribe to the digest version of
> GoaNet which makes 
> for cumbersome replies in a timely fashion.
> Every religion cannot be 'the true way' as they
> righteously claim and so 
> logically, none can claim that victory.  Religion
> bashing is a poor way 
> of making a point as is claiming to be the 'only way
> to salvation' that 
> we keep hearing from the Christian evangelicals. 
> However, one 
> occasionally has to resort to 'blasphemy' to make a
> point as we have 
> seen in Santosh Rushdie's case ;-)

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