
Thank you for your crafty post that was carefully scribed and well scripted to suit your innuendo, in an attempt to support your excessively rampant raves and accusatory postings on Goanet.

Did we notice that Santosh is concealing sections of posts by using “blanks” ____ and is neither revealing the source of the malicious posts, nor disclosing the name of his anonymous friend? These posts are pertinent to the subject discussed and to which Santosh responded with ccs to me. Can Santosh tell us the truth, the whole truth, without obscuring facts, and by unmasking the blanks, and posting all private yet pertinent posts (in their entirety,) which originated from his friend and fellow-conspirator –-- i.e. one of his friends, whose name we saw on Santosh’s cc list of the advance post?


Don’t be surprised that Santosh has left all readers baffled with those Dear: _____ (blank) …suspense… ____ (blank)… suspense… _____ (blank)… and superfluous drama. Don’t worry, Santosh will have a good explanation for it, -- he always comes up with one, even so it be a spurious one -- and he will not fail to do the same this time too. Finally, you will also notice that he always so cleverly and habitually finds someone to pin any blame on, except himself, of course.

Now, may I ask the dignified, honorable Santosh Helekar to do the honors and lift the curtains of suspense, so that we (all) may see the “frankness” and “candidness” he often and so impudently brags about? Also, the onus is now upon Santosh, to prove why he and his ‘support-group’ buddy-cum-co-conspirator were conspiring and successively spamming me with their seemingly private and personal conversations/posts?

I can see why Santosh is reluctant to publish those posts from his buddy, in their entirety that is, … and is hesitant to fill in the blanks… gaps… and holes he left in his recent post. What’s the mystery? What’s the motive? Why the sudden flurry of posts and spams coming my way? What were they trying to seek from me? Do we smell a rat or two? The stink worsens; their plot thickens... as their suspense story emerges and begins to unfold.

Please do not take Santosh’s accusatory statements at face value, but examine the motives, check the facts, note the out-of-the-blue hits, and the sudden surge of unwarranted, unsolicited spams to me, including the posts that implicate other netters -- as can be seen from the (so far) unpublished posts, with attempts to blur actual facts. What was their Motive, again? Well, once the unpublished posts are in the open, I am sure readers will see exactly that, and can decide for themselves.

"Santosh Helekar" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Re: [Goanet]Re: False Innuendo, Insinuations and Accusations & SPAM MAILS

The truth is I have merely replied to two emails
to me and Joe, on his own initiative, by a person
known to both of us, and copied my replies to

1. The real truth is that I, at any time, did NOT take any initiative to instigate, initiate or solicit any PRIVATE discussions from either Santosh’s support-group/friend/s or with Santosh himself. I can only emphatically and categorically say that there was NO need -- absolutely NO NEED -- to send me unwarranted and unsolicited flurry of posts, in the form of ccs/spams, which Santosh & company successively posted me. These are Signs of Guilty Consciences?

2. Santosh’s above claim is absolutely untrue, -- that his friend-cum-co-conspirator is known to me. Santosh’s friend is a perfect stranger to me, inasmuch as Santosh is. Well, didn’t you read Santosh’s post saying that Joe doesn’t know Santosh Helekar? How can then Santosh say that I know his “support-group” buddy that I have never ever met? This is nothing but a malicious implication and delusion to detract readers and deflect blame -- I have nothing to do with Santosh’s friend, and I do NOT associate with conspirators. Remember: Truth, my friend, is stranger than fiction.

3. I am not fabricating it – the truth is that I received unsolicited ccs of private posts involving personal discussions by and between Santosh and his co-conspirator, incriminating and maligning other netters. I really don’t know why Santosh & company wanted to implicate me, and make me an (unwilling) party to their unethical attacks, innuendo, unscrupulous discourses involving other netters.

Joe Vaz is clearly distressed…

4. I am NOT distressed, do you see me distressed? To the contrary, it is abundantly clear that Santosh and his buddies are at their very low points, i.e. desperate, distressed, panicked and guilt-stricken to the extent that they will resort to anything, stoop to any level, maliciously slur anyone who’d have the guts to stand-up to them. Worse still their posts incriminate other people, implicate and malign other netters, -- merely to find out who let the cat out of the bag. Unfortunately, another one of their star-schemes has miserably suffered a fatal defeat. Now Santosh will conveniently try to deflect blame (in his usual way) where it does NOT belong.

5. The critical question is, why on earth would someone want to explore a subject, (that Santosh claims he is immaculately innocent of) even to the extent of sending unsolicited emails my way, that too on private conversations between Santosh and his co-conspirator, -- speaks volumes about the insecurities of these personalities -- and implicating and maligning other netters speaks even more of how deep they are in the pits. The burden of guilt is wearing them down and they were desperate to find out who has betrayed their schemes and exposed their “hidden agenda”. Wicked ploys are destined to doom, no matter how well the “games” are played.

Now, the cat is out of the bag. Do we smell the rat? Since Santosh has taken the show on the road...go ahead Santosh and mail those posts addressed to you, which were sent by your anonymous friend and loyal associate, so that the whole truth be known to all concerned, and let the pieces fall where they may.


Joe Vaz

PS: Santosh & Co, please do not construe my delayed posts as my acceptance of your concoctions, published on Goanet, about me. I have important matters to attend, other than engage in your petty, cheap and acrimonious debates.


"Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

MY FIRST EMAIL sent on Mon, 27 Jun 2005 20:17:29

"Dear _______,

I am always for complete candor and openness. If
have any evidence of my participation in a cabal
clandestine operation, please let Joe and me know
about it. I trust Joe has never participated in
things, considering the fact that he only learned
about them from a friend. If, however, you have
evidence that he has, please (let) us know, so
is no misunderstanding of any kind in the future.




-0700 (PDT)

"Dear __________,

I am intrigued. I know that there are many in
cyberspace who hate my guts for various reasons,
including shameful communal ones. Both __________
___________ have very triumphantly revealed that
me in their unsolicited barrages of private hate

So for the sake of openness and candor please
Joe and me all the ghuspott messages you have on
flash drive at your convenience. Let us find out
these people are that are involved in such
things, and
what they are saying. Let Joe decide whether
these are
the clandestine operations he is talking about.



I am actually very grateful to Joe for giving me
opportunity to post the about emails on Goanet,
because it is always good to be open and
about such things, and let people know if Joe is
telling the truth or "just making this up".



--- Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

BTW: Did I tell you that these guys have begun
“clandestine operation?”  I have been getting
unsolicited emails (spam mails) from Santosh and
support-group; they are trying every way
possible to
browbeat me. So far, my e-box is inundated with
spasm posts, which are directed to the trashcan.

This is how their clandestine games are played.

I am not making this up; if you don’t believe
ask the honorable Santosh Helekar, he will
it. Hopefully, he will do the honorable thing
admit it.

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