Hi Aloysius,
I understand your boredom with the caste issue among Catholic Goans. I honestly get pretty bored of it myself from time to time!

However, as someone who is intensely against caste for many many reasons and which I have vigorously articulated, with others, on Goanet over the years, please consider that if this kettle is not kept on the boil, one would be providing the casteists exactly what they want i.e. to continue to practice their evil without interference. This would effectively be the best recipe to retain caste, when it is clear from many postings that, caste needs to be hit hard on the head (intelligently and without much emotion) everytime it rears its ugly head--as we have witnessed in the current spontaneous response to Cybermatrimonials.

Clearly, the Catholic Goan community would be infinitely better off without the abomination of caste, and thus, working towards this long term aim is the best thing we could do in the interests of the Catholic Goan community worldwide. The caste debate on Goanet is educative and is making progress slowly but surely.

However, I want to now suggest that it could gather more momentum if the majority began to ostracise the small hard core of casteists socially. The casteists have survived only because the majority have not taken them on, and especially, ostracised them like a bad disease within the Church (including many clergy) or socially. Once stigmatised by the majority i.e. when they are metaphorically at the receiving end of the 'poison' they have historically emitted upon others, they would be less able to say utterly absurd things like one was "highborn" as we saw from an absolute twerp in a Goanet post very recently.

I therefore crave for your support and patience please, for the rationale above, on this very vexed issue of fighting caste among the Catholic Goans.
Cornel DaCosta, London, UK.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Aloysius D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <goanet@goanet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 4:30 AM
Subject: [Goanet]Goan "CHRISTIANS' -- Caste

Dear Goans Everywhere,

I am fed up of reading messages since the last TEN YEARS over this business
of Caste among Goan Christians  ---

Being a CHRISTIAN  automatically means that we believe that all men (and
women) are equal  --  there is no such thing as being born
into different castes  --  you are born a  HUMAN  BEING.

If any so-called "Christian" believes in Castes -- Brahmin, Chadda, Sudra,
etc  --

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