Are you serious? Reservation for scheduled
caste/tribes is to undo (in a small way) for
discrimination they suffered for centuries. A Brahmin
who proclaims his caste as a sign of superiority is
indulging in discrimination, albeit with much less
effect today. As for the strange hybrid known as RC
Brahmin, the less said of such ridiculous creatures
the better...

--- luis rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hues and cries over a poor dame's request for a 'RC
> Brahmin", now what would you say for the
> advertisements that appears in local newspapers for 
> recruitment's in Government Services.
> Why do the Govt. publicly advertise that certain
> quota
> is reserved for schedule caste and schedule tribes.
> Is
> Govt. not openly favouring and following casteism?
> Can anybody give me an explanation on this please!!
> Regards,
> Luis Rodrigues
> Chumbel / Dubai
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