George Pinto wrote:
Why are so many married men reading the Cybermatrimonials in such detail? Most of those who have
commented on the 'RC Brahmin' [SIC] post are married men. Hmmm..... ;-)))

Dear George,

First of all there is little "illogical percentile sampling" (a statistical term I just invented) in your assumptions. The majority of people who respond to ANYTHING on GoaNet are married men. So the chances of them responding to this particular subject are as good as any other topic.

Quite frankly I had not seen that particular "RC Brahmin" reference as I had quickly sped through the CyberMatrimonials. It is Jose Colaco's keen eye and comment that brought it to my attention.

But I do admit I read matrimonial adverts, specially Goan Catholic matrimonials whenever I chance upon them in a local newspaper or on GoaNet's CyberMatrimonials. They are one of my best sources of inspiration for humour writing and never fail to make me laugh.

I have often tried writing conventional (for newspaper) matrimonials for friends of mine and found it quite a difficult task. How do you distill what-you-are and what-you-seek-in-a-lifemate into 20-30 words? If you are too vague you might end up wasting your time sifting through a lot of inappropriate replies. If you are too specific you might just scare a good catch away. Would an inch (of total body height) make that big a difference? Or a couple of years? Could 'broad minded' be construed as flirtish? Does 'cultured' and 'from good family background' be construed as signalling some caste superiority?

CyberMatrimonials on the other hand do not have that much restrictions of space and I love to see how some people write catchy unconventional adverts that give us a clear idea of what they are and what they seek. I wonder why, with all that freedom, seekers on CyberMatrimonials still stick to the conventional age-height-complexion-location-qualification-family... formula. If I'm not mistaken an active Toronto based CyberGoan met his match precisely because he worded his 'advert' whimsically.

Try this as an experiment George. Write a lengthy cyber matrimonial honestly describing yourself. Downplay your assets and qualities a bit. In the section where you state what you are looking for, mention the qualities of your wife that you most admire. If you don't have the gumption to send it out on GoaNet then just send it to your close friends and send a c.c. to your wife. The returns will be phenomenal. You will be pampered by her for weeks. You can demand pleasures you only read about furtively in obscure novels when in high school. Take it from a veteran romancer, it works.



George, make the most of it while it lasts. Nothing lasts forever. When next you need a romance booster write to me privately. I've got loads of such devices stocked up. Some of them untested as yet.

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