London Bomb Blasts: Timeline
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        A series of coordinated bomb blasts have hit central London
        today, at the height of the morning rush hour. At least 41
        people have been killed, and there may be more than 1,000
        Guardian NewsBlog: Constantly Updated
        The situation continues to develop. We'll update this post as
        news comes in. Obviously, our front page will also be constantly
        updating as well.
        1424 Suddenly, the terrible scale of today's attack becomes
        clear. Ambulance sources suggest 23 people have been killed at
        King's Cross, nine at Edgware road, seven at Aldgate, two at
        Russell Square. There are hundreds - possibly more than a
        thousand - injured.
        1420 London Transport confirms the bus hit by one of today's
        bombs was a number 30, travelling from Hackney to Marble Arch.
        1415 At least three double decker buses have been bringing
        injured people to the Royal London hospital, which now says it
        has treated 208 people. The air ambulance - a helicopter - has
        been carrying those more seriously injured.
        1400 We're now getting a slighly better picture of the numbers
        of injured. There are reports of 183 injured at the Royal London
        Hospital. 123 have been released. Of those remaining, eight were
        said to be "critical", and several others were also seriously
        injured. As far as we know, a rescue operation is continuing
        King's Cross, where people are thought to be trapped, although
        we are not hearing much from there at the moment.
        1326 There's a Flickr photostream of people's pictures taken
        today. (See
        1323 The Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, says: "London has
        been the target of a cowardly terrorist attack. Londoners have
        responded calmly and courageously.
        "I commend the professionalism, courage of the Metropolitan
        Police, Transport for London staff, the Ambulance, Fire and
        other emergency services.
        "Innocent people going from all of London's communities have
        been targeted by this indiscriminate attack. I urge Londoners
        from all of this city's diverse communities and faiths to
        support one another and stand together against terrorism."
        1315 Tony Blair, flanked by George W Bush and Jacques Chirac,
        again condemns the attacks. [Photograph on Flickr]. Blair says:
        "We will not allow violence to change our societies or our
        values. Nor will we let it stop the work of this summit. We will
        continue our deliberations in the interests of a better world.
        Here at this summit, the world's leaders are striving to combat
        world poverty and save and improve human life. The perpetrators
        of today's attacks are intent on destroying life. The terrorists
        will not succeed... We shall prevail and they shall not."
        1300 A packed House of Commons is hearing a statement from
        Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary. He expresses sympathy to
        friends and family of those who had died, and says four
        explosions are confirmed. One on a tube train between Aldgate
        and Liverpool Street, one on a bus, one in the tube at King’s
        Cross, another at Edgware Road.
        The underground will remain closed for today at least. There are
        no buses operating in central London, with decision to reopen to
        be made later today. People are strongly advised not to travel
        into central London, with many mainline train companies
        cancelling services or terminating before the capital.
        David Davis, the shadow home secretary, responds. He says
        thoughts and prayers on his side of the house are with injured,
        family and friends. He praises the emergency services.
        He brands the bombings acts of "unspeakable depravity and
        "The whole house condemns them utterly. This is not just an
        attack on our capital, but also an attack on our way of life as
        a whole," he says.
        1248 A Wikipedia entry on today's blasts has been started.
        1240 A moblogged picture from one of the underground lines
        1228 There's a still picture being circulated of the bus that
        was blown up in Tavistock Square today. It looks like all but
        the front two or three rows of the top deck have been blown
        away. It was a service bus not - it seems - a tourist bus,
        although there's so little of the thing left it's quite hard to
        say. We have no idea of how many people were on it.
        1216 London Ambulance Service also says there are "many
        casualties and deaths" in today's blasts. There is a rescue
        operation continuing at King's Cross, where people appear to be
        trapped on the underground.
        1212 There are now reports from the London Ambulance Service of
        an explosion in Leicester Square. Update Reader Rod Stanley
        emails in - he works near Leicester Square, and all is calm
        there. Thanks for that, Rod.
        1211 BBC Monitoring says it has found a website with a brief
        statement, in which an al-Quaida-related organisation has
        claimed responsibility for today's blasts.
        1210 A sombre Tony Blair has just issued a brief statement from
        Gleneagles. "It is particularly barbaric that this has happened
        on a day when people are meeting to try to help the problems of
        poverty in Africa, the long term problems of climate change. It
        is also reasonably clear it is designed and aimed to coincide
        with the opening of the G8. There will be time later to talk
        about this.
        "Our determination to defend our values and ways of life is
        greater than their desire to create death and destruction and
        impose extremism on the world. What ever they do it is our
        determination that they shall not succeed."
        1150 It has been confirmed that two people have been killed at
        Aldgate station this morning.
        1140 Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair is being
        quoted by PA as saying traces of explosives have been found at
        least one blast scene. He added the picture was still "very
        1130 Police at Aldgate Station say there are unconfirmed reports
        of two fatalities there, and nine seriously injured.
        A PA report just in from Aldgate: "A 42-year-old man wept as he
        described what happened on the train. Terry O'Shea, a
        construction worker from Worcester, said: "I was in the third
        carriage, the one behind the one where the explosion was. There
        was a loud bang and we felt the train shudder. Then smoke
        started coming in to the compartment. It was terrible. People
        were panicking, but they calmed down after one or two minutes.
        As they led us down the track past the carriage where the
        explosion was, we could see the roof was torn off it, and there
        were bodies on the track."
        Jack Linton, 14, suffered cuts to his face in the incident.
        Jack, from Hawkwell, Essex, who was on his way to work
        experience at a company, said: "The middle of the train was
        blown out and there were people on the track."
        1120 Tony Blair will be making a live, televised statement on
        the crisis at midday. Sir Ian Blair, Metropolitan Police
        Commissioner, has told the BBC that there have been six
        explosions so far today, one on a bus. In what is clearly
        intended to be a calming message, he asks that Londoners stay
        where they are, do not call the emergency services unless there
        is a life-threatening situation, and promises there will be more
        information. London's emergency plan has kicked into action, and
        he says they are "returning order to the situation".
        1110 PA is reporting fears of "many" dead after a series of what
        are now, patently, terrorist bomb blasts around the city.
        Eyewitness reports talk of terrible injuries, and "many
        1102 The pictures coming in from around the city are truly
        shocking. Down near Holborn there's a bus - possibly one of the
        big tourist buses that are a fixture on the London streets -
        with its top floor ripped apart. One report talks of the injured
        being operated on in the concourse at Liverpool Street station.
        1055 There are now reports of another bomb going off - in
        Houndsitch, near Liverpool Street in the City of London.
        1052 The FTSE has plunged 160 points, but Downing Street says
        rumours that Tony Blair is to return to London from Gleneagles
        are false.
        1048 Home Secretary Charles Clarke has just appeared in front of
        Downing Street, talking of "dreadful" incidents, and "terrible
        injuries" in the explosions. He is sending sympathy to those
        individuals and families affected. The COBRA committee - the
        government's emergency response body - is meeting, as is the
        1040 We're hearing that there's a train stuck between Liverpool
        Street and Aldgate, and that there are "a number of casualties"
        on that train.
        1030 The situation so far: we are hearing of a bus explosion in
        the Holborn area - eyewitness accounts talk of the bus having
        its roof blown off. This casts some doubt on reports that "power
        surges" caused explosions at Aldgate, Old Street, Kings Cross,
        Russell Square and Edgware Road earlier this morning.
        Around the city centre, everyone is walking. The tube is
        entirely closed down. Mainline trains are not coming into town,
        and members of staff arriving in the office say buses are not
        entering Zone 1 - the most central part of town, in which all
        today's explosions have taken place.
        The first problems started at around 0850, when a series of
        explosions - blamed on power surges - rocked a series of
        stations in the centre of town. Tube lines started closing right
        after that.

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