Thank you Gabe and Gabriel for your responses, one from England and one from Australia. My original question of a few months ago was "Is there any Goanetter who has married outside of his/her caste - or is my husband the only one?" It was a tongue-in-cheek question, met with deafening silence.

As an "outsider" I find the whole caste thing to be very interesting. Is it really much different from the "class system" in England from the last centuries - as I understand that system you can never really "move up" and there's no reincarnation to look forward to for an improvement of your station, either. Whenever I asked Ariosto (in the past, I don't bother any more!) about his caste he tells me he doesn't know anything about it but maybe his elder sisters do. So of course I picked their brains to find out what I could.

It's pretty much the same in Sicily, there are the Signori (the "Sirs") and then there's the rest of us poor slobs. The system doesn't have a name as far as I know.


Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote:

--- Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes! I should be sacked immediately, I agree! :-)))

By the way, a few months ago I asked if anyone on
the list had married outside of his/her caste and received no response.
Viviana (without caste!)

Quite difficult to reply to this one - those who
believe in caste will stay within their caste and thus
have no grounds to reply; those who don't believe in
caste of course cannot reply :-))


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

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