--- Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gabe Menezes wrote:
> >...The big powers, such as Germany and France as
> well as many others stayed out.  Their citizens are
> sleeping happy while we have to live with fear.
> >
> HI Gabe - Without entering into a discussion about
> Iraq, I shall take 
> issue with your statement that the French are
> sleeping happy,  There 
> have been race riots in France lately with Muslim
> students beating up on 
> "little frenchies"  -  their term for non-Muslim
> French citizens.  I'll 
> find a link to an article and send it to you
> privately.
> Also, it's well documented that Blacque Jacque
> Chirac and Saddam were 
> thick as thieves, that's why he stayed out of Iraq,
> also because 20% of the population of France is 
> Muslim.
Mario adds:
Viviana, someone should remind ex-Brit-serviceman, Mr.
Gabe, that the Brits have lived in fear from terrorist
attacks for decades.  Perhaps he is too young to
remember the IRA attacks.  And if the cowards in
Spain, France and Germany joined in the war against
terrorism, maybe everyone could sleep easier.  As it
is their overt and covert moral support for the
jihadis only gives the terrorists strength and hope. 
In this unconventional WW-III going on, one cannot be
against those fighting the Islamo-fascists and then
claim that they are also against the terrorists.

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