On 08/07/05, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> after ostensibly knowing what Waziristan is like, the
> double game that Pakistan plays, and the possible
> involvement of Iran, where some reports say Bin Laden
> has been given sanctuary.  ............


The U.S.'s greatest ally in the region is Pakistan, one can see how
the U.S. Admin. and their supporters, blame everyone else when they
fail. If the U.S. had any credible evidence they would have acted, for
that matter the U.S. does not need any credible evidence, any hearsay
will also do. An excuse to act!

I suppose the U.S. could now invade Iran since, ostensibly Iran is
sheltering Bin Laden. Heck if Bin Laden isn't found - they can always
come back and justify their stance. Isn't the World a better place
with a regime change in Iran! Next Bush will proclaim in a State of
the Union speech; either you are with us or you are with the
disgusting Iranians. We will then here lots of encores and mindless
posts here declaring the same ideology.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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