--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What exactly are you trying to impart, to
> us? If there are Islamo-facists on this forum, then 
> Mario Goveia is risking his life. I can 
> categorically inform you, that he has stated 
> that he has no intentions of doing so. The excuse 
> is, that he is/was a cancer patient and that he is 
> an old man.
Mario replies:
Thus spake the brave alleged RAF ex-serviceman, who is
now cowering under his bed in fear, and blaming any
and everyone for the attacks in London other than the
Islamo-fascists he sympathises with because he thinks
this will save his hide.  Can anyone imagine what this
guy would have done in the intrepid RAF?  I wonder how
many such people have infiltrated the RAF?
Gabe the Braveheart of the RAF continues:
> What truth will prevail? The troops will be pulled
> out by next year from Iraq, even though it will 
> cause considerable upheaval in the region. Is that 
> the truth we are all looking forward to?
Mario replies:
You and your Islamo-fascist friends can only dream,
Gabe, while hiding under your bed.  Maybe the Guardian
is not reporting the speeches by US leaders over
there.  Tsk, tsk, tsk. You continue to embarrass yourself.

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