Instute Piedade, Panjim, Goa


I’m enclosing herewith a copy of the letter sent to The Secretary, Sahitya
Akademi, Delhi, by Dalgado Konknni Akademi. We request you to give wide
publicity for the same.

Tomazinho Cardozo
President, DKA.


Date: 06.07.2005


The Secretary
Sahitya Akademi, 
Rabindra Bhavan,
35 Ferozshah Road, 
New Delhi – 110 001

Subj:  Sahitya Akademi Awards for Konkani literature.

Dalgado Konknni Akademi is established in Goa for the promotion of Konkani
in Roman script. Konkani in Roman script is the base on which the whole
movement for recognition of Konkani language was launched and made
successful. However the large readership of Konkani language in Roman script
and the writers in Roman script are disappointed because the literature
produced in Konkani in Roman script is not considered by Sahitya Akademi for
literary awards.

The popularity of Konkani in Roman script in Goa may be judged from the
following facts:

• The use of Roman script to write Konkani dates back to 16th century when a
Printing Press was brought in Goa in 1556 by the Portuguese. Since then,
writing and printing of Konkani books continued in Roman script.

• Most of the books printed that time were religious books and since then,
the Christian community of Goa is writing, reading and printing Konkani
Books in Roman script.

•Presently we have Vavraddeancho Ixt, a weekly, Gulab, a monthly, in Konkani
Roman Script all of which has a readership of over 10,000 each. There is no
other journals in Goa in Konkani in any script having such a large
readership. .

• The catholic Church of Goa has translated all the religious scriptures in
Konkani in Roman script and till date, in the catholic church of Goa,
everything is conducted in Konkani in Roman Script.

•There are over 200 Parishes in Goa. Each Parish publishes a monthly
Bulletin in Konkani in Roman script for the benefit of its parishioners. 

• There are over 200 writers which includes poets, short story writers,
essayists, Tiatr script writers, lyricists, novelists etc. Their ages vary
from 20 years to 70 years. At the same time there is a strong readership to
Konkani in Roman script which is any time much more than in any other script
in Goa.

In view of this denying the benefit of Sahitya Akademi’s literary awards to
writers of Konkani in Roman script is unjust.

Moreover we would like to bring to your kind notice that the General Council
of Sahitya Akademi recognized Konkani, not in any particular script, as an
independent literary language. The Resolution passed by the General Council
of Sahitya Akademi on 26th February 1975, which is given here below, is very
clear in that respect.

“As Konkani fulfils the criteria formulated by the Akademi for recognition
of a language, it is recognized as an independent modern literary language
of India.”

Secondly, in 1992 through the seventy first amendment of the Constitution,
Konkani was included in the Eight Schedule of the Constitution. In this
constitutional amendment there is no mention of any script.

>From these two historical events it is very clear that the recognition is
given to Konkani language and not to any particular script. Therefore it
also infers that Konkani written in any script such as Roman, Devnagiri,
Kan’nad or Malayalum enjoys equal status. As such there is no reason for
Sahitya Akademi not to consider literature in Roman and Kan’nad script for
its literary awards and for all other benefits.

Therefore Dalgado Konknni Akademi has resolved to request you to consider
Konkani in Roman, Kan’nad and Devnagiri scripts for the literary awards and
for all the related benefits. Dalgado Konknni Akademi also requests you to
see that the panel of judges for the selection of the books should include
representatives from the three scripts.

During the last so many years injustice is done to writers of Konkani in
Roman and Kan’nad scripts which should be stopped immediately. We are
confident that you will act positively so that justice is done to the
writers of Konkani in Roman and Kan’nad script.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Tomazinho Cardozo  Fr. Peter Raposo   Jose Salvador Fernandes
President          Vice-President     Secretary

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