Louise of-no-surname-nor-e-mail-address from UAE wrote:
"I joined this group so I could:
a. Learn more about Goa and Goans (Having lived away from Goa most of my life)"

There is a lot to be learnt about Goa and Goans on GoaNet. But please do not assume that this here forum truly reflects Goa. For that you have to meet flesh and blood Goans and interact in real life. And to really learn about Goa you have to come down and live here.


b. Meet some nice friendly Goans Male and Female (I'm married and not looking
for U.S. Passport)

There's lots of mails archived here at www.goanet.org. Please go through them you will find a lot of interesting and friendly people. Most of them, unlike you, display their e-mail address. Write to them directly. Like I do! I have made many friend here.


c. Have friendly discussions on topics relevant to Goans in Goa and away.

So what stopped you from interacting so far? Like at a party you can't expect people to come up to you and introduce themselves if you're hiding in the closet. They don't even know you exist. Post a brief profile of yourself and your interests. You will see that people with similar interests will respond to you privately or publicly.


So far, All the messages I have received appear to be from people venting
their aggressions on this site. I am starting to think I made a mistake by
venturing here. Please tell me I'm wrong and there are some friendly
discussions here.

You could be wrong. Depends on who you are and what you seek. There are lots of friendly discussion here. Go through the archives. The occasional blood-letting also occurs. But before you interact please clearly identify yourself. Why I say this is because there are a lot fake aliases being used on this forum. For example since you have said precious nothing that identifies yourself I am not sure if you actually exist or are a fake ID created by the Admin Team to get some message across to us regular posters. It happens.


Cecil Pinto, Panjim - Aldona
M/ 38/ NP-CC/ NP-H


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