The Church is the House of God (Domus Dei). Although God is present
everywhere, He dwells in a very special way in the Church, for it is
there that Jesus descends from heaven at Holy Mass to re-enact His
sacrifice of Calvary, and then remains a Prisoner of Love in the Most
Blessed Sacrament. In these sacred precincts most of the Sacraments
are administered, and the faithful enter into an intimate communion
with God and God with them. It is therefore fitting that everyone –
priests, religious and lay-faithful – who come to Church should
present themselves in a manner befitting God's sacred presence there.

In the first place, they must come interiorly adorned with the gems of
Christian virtues – viz. purity of mind and heart, meekness and
humility, justice and love for all – and with the sincere desire to
worship the Lord with piety and devotion, even if they are heavily
burdened with their daily crosses and many challenges.

They must further remember that, while God looks at the heart, human
beings look at outward appearances. The Church is a community and, as
such, has a social dimension which cannot be ignored. In society at
large, there are dress codes and behaviour patterns for different
occasions. There are, for instance, those for recreational activities,
for moments of leisure at home, for gala dinners; and others for
condolence visits, for concerts, for official or informal receptions,
etc. Each attire must naturally be worn as the circumstance demands.

The dress code and behaviour patterns in the Church require our
special attention. One cannot ignore the critical remarks being made
by many, even by those of other faiths, with regard to the attire used
by some persons, men and women, when they worship in Church. Whereas
in days gone by the "Sunday best" used to become at times a sort of
fashion-parade, the modern tendency would seem to go to the other
extreme, with people wearing an attire which is considered casual and
unbecoming of the sacred dignity of the Church and the members of its
Congregation as, respectively, the House and the People of God.

The Archdiocese of Bombay is carefully attending to matters relating
to the dress and behaviour of those involved in Church liturgical
ceremonies (altar servers, lectors, choir, sacristans, etc.). Priests
are required to use the cassock when on official Church duty, and to
wear the appropriate liturgical vestments whenever they perform the
sacred rites. I earnestly exhort the lay faithful to come to Church
functions attired in a way that shows their respect for the sacred
place they are worshipping in. Parents would do well to attend to this
aspect of propriety when they send their children to Church services.

Parish Priests are kindly requested to communicate and to explain
these observations to their parishioners.

+ Ivan Cardinal Dias
Archbishop of Bombay
July 4, 2005
Source: http://www.archbom.org/official.htm 
Forwarded By: Ancy S. D'Souza Paladka

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