July 15, 2005

The Administrator,

Via e-mail.


Please find herewith the Press Release for kind favour of publication.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,
for Goa Su-Raj Party
(Floriano Lobo)
Gen. Secretary/Spokesperson


Press Release

The Goa Su-Raj Party appreciates the concern shown by Mr. Jose Philip D'
Souza, Vive President of the NCP regarding the hazard posed by the petrol
pump located in the Vasco's inner city area to the citizens of Vasco as well
as to the environment (NT July 11, 2005). Not only this petrol pump but the
entire petrol tanking operations within the city of Vasco must be the
priority for concern for the safety of the citizens and have to be shifted

The Goa Su-Raj party feel that this is more of a grievance against the BJP,
even more so against its president Mr. Rajendra Arlekar who has become the
owner of the pump in question through clandestine dealings with the IOC. If
the residents of Vasco are threatened by the existence of this pump, then
the present government and the Environment Minister,  Dr Wilfred D'Souza in
particular must assess the hazard posed by all petrol pump installations in
the cities and towns of Goa and pass an appropriate legislation to free the
cities and towns of such hazardous installations.

The Goa Su-Raj Party also wishes to bring to the attention of the
Environment Minister, Dr. Wilfred D'Souza the controversial Caranzalem
petrol pump which has changed hands clandestinely through the connivance of
the BJP and the IOC to benefit another BJP office bearer, Mr. Satish Dhond.
This place was originally kept for a children's park and it was the
congressman Mr. Zuwarkar who usurped this land for his ulterior motives
ultimately benefiting the BJP's agenda. Only the children and senior
citizens of Caranzalem have lost.

Similarly, the Goa Su-Raj Party feels that there is a need to have a re-look
at the petrol pump owned by M/s Ticklo & Sons at Guirim on the NH-17 which
again is a controversial land conversion case where the undeniable hand of
ex-minister Mr. Mauvin Godinho is prominent with the BJP cashing in on his


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