Hi all,

China's auto industry is so young and yet they are manufacturing cars quite good and above all very cheaply (half the cost) compared to European/ American/Indian prices. Last week , 400 cars, medium duty and two wheel drive, manual were exported to Germany, for distribution all over Europe. (Left Hand Drive) All these, I believe are already sold in advance of shipment; and as a result another 400 cars are on their way. All this info is from 'The Business Review Weekly' published in Australia, and of which I am a subscriber. As and when they start making 'Right Hand Drive Cars', we are going to see China's cars sold in Australia, Japan, UK and all of Asia, and may be even in India! I get all this info from the BRW magazine.
See ya!

Nasci Caldeira

From: Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Fusion Energy and ITER
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 00:35:58 +1000 (EST)

--- Nasci Caldeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So where is India???  Is India only concentrating on
> IT software? China, I
> believe is far ahead of India in IT hardware;

Never mind that.  Last Friday's Herald Sun Cars Guide
(and later, Age's Drive supplement) brought a number
of articles on China's Car Show - and what a number on
display, all made in China! Most were downright ugly
to look at, underpowered by Australian standards (all
4-cyl engines), no 4WD, but never mind that,
predictions are that China's car industry is set to
boom dramatically, and already cycles are giving way
to cars.

I know that India has made some good strides re
alternative automotive propulsion systems, but we
don't hear much about it - wonder why.
Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

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