Similarly why should someone try to impose/promote only the Roman script for
Konknni. The bard is reported to have said"variety is the spice of life".
Many a time we have heard the expression " rich language". From where does
this "richness" comes I wonder. Is it from the prodigious vocabulary? Is it
from the idiom and the idiomatic expressions? Is it from the cornucopia of
words borrowed and adapted from other world languages? Is it from the fact
that speakers of the language are found in places far and wide? Is it from
the fact that the language transcends barriers of boundaries, race,
regionalism, culture,etc.? Is it from the fact that there is lot of variety
in the spoken form? Is it from the fact that the same language is
transcribed in various scripts?
Let Konknni be written in many scripts. It is good for both the users and
the language. Let there be scope for translation and transliteration. After


----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet goa <>; Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2005 12:37 PM
Subject: [Goanet]Nazi principle in Konkani Parishad

> Sir,
> Kindly give publicity to the following press release.
> Dr. Pratap Naik, S.J.
> Director
> Thomas stephens Konknni Kendr
> Condemnation of Parishad's dangerous objectives
> Mandd Sobhann wishes to register its unequivocal condemnation of the All
> India Konkani Parishad's declared objective, namely - 'One Language, One
> Script, One Samaj'.  This slogan smacks of the fascist ideology.  We in
> Konkani movement always believed in and worked for 'unity in pluralism'-
> pluralism of caste, creed, religion, region, dialect, script etc..   Now
> the logic of the Parishad's ideology is extended, it would read - 'one
> language, one script, one dialect, one religion, one samaj'.
> also advocates and practices the same theory of 'one language, one
> one world', bulldozing in the bargain, all other cultures and languages
> other than the one it promotes.  As a result, the precious cultural beauty
> and variety of the world stands destroyed.
> In the 2 meetings the Parishad has already organised in the implementation
> of this dangerous ideology, it has laid bare its real motive, namely, of
> imposing the 'Devnagari' lipi on the people of Karnataka who read and
> Konkani only in the 'Kannada' lipi and who have also opted for the Kannada
> lipi to teach their children Konkani in Karnataka schools.
> This high-handedness of the Parishad not only rides roughshod on the
> constitutional right of the Konkani of Karnataka, but also threatens to
> destroy the much valued unity of the Konkani people.   Unity cannot be
> achieved by destroying local/regional pluralisms, be it of 'lipi' or
> and enforcing one variety on all others. By accepting and respecting
> pluralism alone, unity is possible.
> The Parishad does not have a chance to succeed, simply because it does not
> have legal or moral authority, nor does it have jurisdiction and capacity.
> Impositions of all kinds, anywhere in the world, have always met with
> resistance, have been repulsed and defeated.
> The Parishad's ideology is dangerous. Its motives deplorable. Its actions
> condemnable.  If the Parishad persists with this misadventure, all
> self-respecting Konkanis will be mobilised to befittingly reply.
> Mandd Sobhann implores Konkanis to - 'defend pluralism, preserve identity
> and through mutual respect build unity'.
> Rony Crasta
> (Secretary)
> Mandd Sobhann

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