Latex was great in the DOS and early Windows era when
the editing software and the underlying hardware (x86
based PCs) were unable to handle the graphic rich and
numerically intense content that was utilized in
typical technical theses. Conversely, Latex was
primarily run on unix based work stations that
afforded the user significantly more power than the
then current x86 hardware. In this era, Latex/Unix
ruled, followed by the Mac with x86/Intel/Microsoft
taking the rear.

Today the issue of computing power is rarely an issue
and even the lowest end/ cheapest system is probably
more than adequate for most users. Likewise generic
products by Microsoft and others are so rich in
features and are well entrenched in the system that it
is almost pointless to use anything else. Currently,
except for maybe hardcore computer science graduates
who have their own personal unix workstations, most
rely on x86 hardware (ie. Intel/AMD) which primarily
involves the use of Microsoft products. 


--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frederick wrote:
> >
> >LATEX is a document preparation system for the TeX
> >typesetting program. It offers programmable desktop
> >publishing features and extensive facilities for
> >automating most aspects of typesetting and desktop
> >publishing, including numbering and cross
> >referencing, tables and figures, page layout,
> >bibliographies, and much more.
> >
> I typeset my Ph.D. thesis in LaTex some 15 years
> ago.
> Good to know people are still using it today.
> Cheers,
> Santosh

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