Some solutions coming up have focussed on Goa having an efficient
yellow-pages, or ringing the 2414141 enquiry service.

Needless to say, while these options are important, these cannot be an
alternative to Goa being deprived of a workable telephone directory for
the past four years. 

          Information should be at everyone's finger-tips. Ideally,
          one shouldn't need to go to an info-mediary to access
          local information every time. If I need to phone someone
          to locate someone else's phone number, it only makes me
          so much more inefficient. It breaks one's momentum too.

But the issue, as stressed earlier, is not about phone directories
alone. These are some areas where Goa obviously lacks in information:

o Transport time-tables, specially buses (both within and
  outside Goa).
o Good maps for the state (other than for the tourist areas, which
  are catered to, more for the affluent visitor.
o An efficient service for finding jobs available. Navhind Times'
  classifieds is interesting on this front, but unfortunately
  jobs advertised are mostly low-end.
o Information about careers available to Goa students (the Vasco
  Rotary had done a good job with their booklet some years back).
o Elaborate listing of not-for-profit initiatives in Goa.
o Educational courses in Goa, hobby courses, and a systematic
  listing of what people can do in the field of self-development.
o Sufficient information about Goa via the radio and TV (the
  later gap is somewhat filled in, but the news on the evening
  channels is mostly political and commercial).
o Listings of all official schemes available under the Goa
o Details about where exactly Goa's officialdom spends its money,
  specially in remote village areas, say via panchayat budgets.
o List of all official records and documents maintained by the
  Goa government, which can be accessed by the citizen under the
  state of central Right to Information/Freedom of Information Acts.
o Enough information about all the political representatives and
  senior officials, who could be contacted whenever the citizen
  has a grievance, which needs to be taken up.
o Details about self-corrective mechanisms in the state sector,
  such as anti-corruption channels for action, the ways of
  drawing attention of the Comptroller and Auditor General to
  issues of financial mismanagement and irregularities. 

There are many more...  Just some loud thinking. FN

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