Just a thought.


‘Standing together for stronger communities’ -

 Voluntary Action Westminster with Muslim Council of
Britain and Communities in Action

6.30pm, Monday 25th July

Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, London SW1H 9NH


In September 2001, LondonÂ’s faith communities gathered
to Stand Together against Intolerance in the wake of
9/11. You are now invited to a gathering of community
members from all walks of life to stand together in
solidarity following the events of 7/7. The event
would mark the voluntary, community and faith sectorÂ’s
response of solidarity for building safer and stronger

Key speakers include: 

The Bishop of London (TBC) 
Imam Ibrahim Mogra, Chair of Mosques and Community
affairs Committee, The Muslim Council of Britain 
Hyacinth Parsons, London Regional Coordinator
Community Cohesion 

Ashok Viswanathan –  Campaigns Manager for Operation
Black Vote 
Rob Beckley, Lead for faith issues for Association of
Chief Police Officers 
Mostafa Ragab, Vice Chair of Westminster Community

Faith leaders and community leaders will sign a pledge
showing their solidarity in condemnation, unity in
building stronger communities, and commitment to
specific positive actions over the next six months.
All attendees will fill in a card naming a specific
thing which they/their organisation will do to build
stronger communities in the next six months, and also
something which they would like to see done which
would promote cohesion/stronger communities (this is a
wish list, which they would not need to be responsible
for themselves).  The responses will then be typed up
into a report leaving an interesting list of ideas
which can be collectively build upon.

RSVP only if you are attending:


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