Since French is offered as a subject in the Curriculum at different levels, 
the College plans to hold a "French Day" on 6th August, 2005.

The programme for the day includes a powerpoint presentation on the importance 
of the French language, followed by French Talent show, which includes 
monologue/duet, singing or poetry recitation with two categories 12-15, 16 
years and above.  Each item should not exceed five minutes.  Students can 
participate in more than one item (but not the same students).  Each item 
should consist of one or two students.  Participants will be judged on 
presentation, voice quality, pronunciation and overall performance.

Those interested in participating in the Talent Show are requested to confirm 
their participation on or before 30th July, 2005, either by post or phone on 
2262356 or on Email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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