G o a n e t * News Bytes In Brief * July 26, 2005

          MONSOONS TAKE A BREAK: Tuesday was a mostly-dry day in Goa,
          and thankfully so, after the downpour that started just
          after sunset on Saturday and lashed the state for long.
          TV reports spoke of heavy rains in Mumbai, even as
          folks from that city 600 kms north of Goa were concerned
          about what was happening to relatives here a day earlier.
          Goa went about clearing up the debris, as news reports
          below suggest. It was life quickly back to normal,
          even if the news process tends to focus on the negatives.
          "Rains subside, but life is still miserable," said Herald.
          28.2 centimetres of rain (282.3 mm) fell in Goa in just
          24 hours, the Herald reports the Indian Met Observatory
          as recording for July 24. (Herald)

o Bodies of seven Dicarpale landslide victims recovered. Rs 50,000
  compensation for each victim. (NT)
o Those killed were from Uttar Pradesh, and worked in a shop selling
  steel rods. Some were employed as polishers with a carpenter. (NT)
o They were watching a Hindi movie on a TV set, along with a video
  CD player borrowed from a friend in Margao, when disaster struck. (NT)
o Maina-Curtorim police said that since the entire side of the hillock
  gave way, the deceased, all in their thirties, were buried within
  minutes, leaving no scope for them to escape. (NT)
o This house-cum-carpentry workshop brought down by the landslide
  reportedly stood on comunidade land, and was illegal. (NT)

          Gomantak Times says: "UP labourers pay for sins of Margao
          land sharks.... Real heroes work with torches, car headlights
          as official rescue gets botched."

          Parrikar blames it on record rainfall: Leader of the Oppn
          Manohar Parrikar on Monday said he had undertake (as CM)
          several measures to prevent flooding in the city and that
          it was a problem which cannot be resolved 100 per cent.
          Reacting to the flooding at Mala on Sunday, Parrikar said
          it was due to incessant rains for two days wherein a record
          11 inches of rainfall was recorded. the flooding was not
          new and he showed old newspaper cuttings to prove his point.(GT)

o Margao flood situation still grim: Flood waters have started
  receeding in Bicholim and Sattari. But the situation in Margao was
  grim, and Mala (in Panjim) also experienced some tense moments today.
  Goa's administration evacuated 31 families from Rawanfond and Khareband,
  following a rise in the water level of the Sal river. (NT)
o Youth drowns in Bicholim flood, in Kudchirem. (NT)
o In Panchawadi-Usgao, a 25-year-old drowned after falling into an
  overflowing nullah (stream). Herald.
o Nehru stadium at Fatorda resembled a relief camp on Monday, as
  over 200 people were sheltered in the dormitories. (H)
o Mala flooding is Parrikar-made disaster, say locals. (H)

o No more dumping in Curca, say residents: The apathy of the
  government in dumping garbage on the Curca plateau without treating
  it seems to have caused havoc in the surrounding area. Water
  that was accumulated at the dumping site had seeped into the
  wells, in low lying areas, contaminating them. (NT)

o Rane govt sabotaging graft cases against Congressmen:Parrikar NT
o Garbage problem: Ponda citizens stage protest march. (NT)
o Meet in Panjim demands a white paper on IFFI projects. (NT)
o Rail track on Goa-Mumbai route washed out, train services disrupted.(NT)
o Rotary Club of Vasco holds a picture-essay contest on The State of Goa
  or the state of Goa? Last date, July 30, 2005. 
o SKF India Ltd has launched innovative skating solutions for the Indian
  market. Inline skating is a rage worldwide, says SKF. (NT)
o Laptops in Goa now being sold at Rs 33,990 "onwards". 

          IT'S RUBBISH! Corporation of the City of Panaji has invited
          quotations from "reputed transport organisations" owning at
          least 10 tipper trucks "to load, transport and dispose the old
          unsegregated waste from the Curca waste dumping site to an
          alternate site to be identified by the tenderer with the
          due consent of the owners of the site". Preferably, it says,
          the site should be an abandoned quarry or mine ... (Herald)

Education issues:

o Apurva Kulkarni continues his innovative projects at Leela's,
  outside Panjim, with another session on Wednesday, July 27. 
o Sitar sessions. Learn the art of playing the sitar at Green Acres,
  Tonca. Pramilla 242 6328.
o St Xavier's College stock investors club inaugurated. (NT)
o Goa Govt's Institute of Nursing Education to start the Basic BSc
  Nursing four-year degree course from 2005-06 (this year).. Forms
  available till August 8 at Altinho, Panjim.
o Government proposes to provide 25,000 computers to students of
  Std XI and XII during the current year. (H) Does Goa need that many?
o Victoria 'Mummy' Fernandes celebrates her 70th birthday. (H)


Sergio Mascarenhas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> counters the view
that questions the link between Goan culture and the Portuguese,
in response to an earlier post which says:

          "There is one thing that worries us though and that
          is this reference to Goan heritage as being Portuguese.
          Why? Does one think that Goa's history begins and ends
          with the arrival of the Portuguese? Goa has a rich and
          varied history and a fund of architecture that deperately
          needs attention and is scattered all over the state."
          -- Heta Pandit on the Goa Heritage mailing list

Dr Mascarenhas comments:

In my opinion the above statement expresses a long-held
misconception. But before we look at it, let me just notice
that Heta misses the mark. What John wrote was: "Many folk
come to Goa fully aware of your Portuguese heritage". Now,
this is a statement of fact, and a rather correct statement.
It is the so-called "Portuguese heritage" (more on that latter)
that brings people to Goa. Yes, there is in Goa heritage that
is not "Portuguese heritage", but it does not bring people to
Goa. It may be because of ignorance or because people don't
value it in the same terms. Whatever the reason, people come
here for the "Portuguese heritage", point. I think that it is
disingenious to start out-thinking the reasons why people
behave this way, or being judgemental about it.

Which brings me back to the perenial issue of the focus on
the Goan Portuguese heritage. I consider that it is
counter-productive to fall into the trap of confronting
Portuguese vs. pre-Portuguese heritage, and that on several

          First, from the perspective of 'ownership' all
          heritage in Goa is Goan. It is not Portuguese, French,
          Malaysian or whatever. It belongs first and foremost to
          Goa, next to India, finally to humankind. From this
          perspective, the origin or history of heritage is
          meaningless. It deserves protection and to be nurtured
          because it is heritage, that's all.

Second, downplaying Portuguese heritage because there's
pre-Portuguese heritage is usually tinted with ideological
motives. In other words, it usually associates pre-Portuguese
with Indian and Portuguese with foreign; this often leads to
well known ultra-nationalistic readings that I suppose I don't
need to describe. These readings attempt to do a gradation of
heritage where some is considered more important than other;
in this case pre-Portuguese is considered in a better light
than Portuguese. It's not hard to understand where this leads
in terms of heritage conservation policies.

Third, Goan heritage is not deeply studied, except for some
aspects of Portuguese-influenced heritage. Thus it is very
hard to access the real nature, value, age and significance
of that heritage. For instance, it is adventurous to consider
that any heritage listed as "non-Portuguese" pre-dates the
Portuguese presence in Goa or that it is not "tainted" with
Portuguese influences.

Fourth, most heritage in Goa created in the 16th to the 20th
century incorporates to a great or lesser extent elements of
both Portuguese, Indian or other origins. It makes no sense
to classify Goan heritage of that period in a black and white
classification of Portuguese and non-Portuguese.

Overall, I think that to play the game of
Portuguese/non-Portuguese is to do a disservice to Goan heritage....

friend sent this to me and thought some of you might want to
send your comments/memories of Africa.  Some of you can even
write about the SJCS Zanzibar Reunion. For some reason I could
not download and listen.  Enjoy Mabel

          "In the African memories section you will be able to
          listen to Asians being interviewed about their
          memories of Africa. The person speaking about Zanzibar
          is my cousin Ashok Mulji. Abdulrazak will be
          interested in his interview. Also there are videos and
          slide shows and a lot to hear and see about Kenya,
          Uganda and South Africa. You all can also send your
          memories in writing to them. A lot of it is what we
          already know but still it is exciting that this sort
          of pogramme is happening on BBC radio Asian network."

A thank you from Mumbai: Thanks for this informative and short
news-letter. I particularly like Mr Ben Gonsalves proposal to
institute a scholarship in memory of one of his relatives to
help astudent get through medical training at G M C, Goa.  A few
more such scholarships for specific studies at Goa University
and also for specialisation abroad would go a long way to
helping our community get ahead. In fact with the multiplication
that foreign funds get on being sent into India, emulation of
Ben's proposal should be encouraged.  However, at this end we
have to ensure that the candidate who is awarded the scholarship
really and truly deserves it -- no political or family ties to
influence the decision of the selectors. Other subjects that I
appreciate is your war against caste among so-called Catholic
Christians. -- Aloysius D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Photos on Goa: From Amey Hegde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on

          A slideshow of some of my Goa photos.

          Also check some more of my photos at 


Clinton Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> leaves this Thursday by train
to Chennai, then head to Rameswaram to meet up with Aaron Lobo.
He writes: "Aaron his been there for three months now, working
on a funded project on sea snakes. A couple of days after I’ve
arrived there, he will close shop, pack and we begin a two week
drive back to Goa. The drive is planned to be along the
coastline passing Kanyakumari, Kerala and Karnataka and we will
stop by and meet various people that are connected with issues
such as environment protection and wildlife conservation such as
Ian Simpson who is credited with discovering the fifth most
common poisonus snake in India among others. We’ll stop by to
see their work and learn from and contribute to their ideas.
Terribly exciting and I’ve already got that adventurous
feeling!" Goanet wishes Clinton all the best. If anyone has any
contacts of interesting people this young environment enthusiast
could learn from, please pass it on to him. They could be
anywhere on the South Indian coastline between Rameswaram,
Kanyakumari, Kerala, Karnataka and Goa. Says Clinton: "We have
no schedule, but expect to be back in Goa around August 12."


No intention of making it to the Top 10 (Goanet posters): I look
forward to receiving my news letter everyday. I love Goa and now
I can read about all the latest happenings in Goa. I may not
post many messages. No interest in getting into the Top 10. Nice
recipes!! -- Louise

Back home, snakes shed their skin once a year.  Over here, I
shave off my head yearly, at this time of the year.  Any
comments? -- Goanet's regular writer Domnic Fernandes of Dom’s
antique shelf fame (from Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA)


          Report from Goans in Germany: On the occasion of Goa
          Day celebrations, the Goan Association Germany will
          present a show on August 6, 2005 titled "Goencho Avaz"
          featuring Goa's top Tiatrists: Antonette from Bombay,
          Succorin from Ribandar, C.Rosy Alvares from Sangolda,
          Jose Rod from Curchorem/Kuwait, Comedian Agostinho
          Temudo from Navelim, Comedian John D'Silva from S.Jose
          de Areal, Pravin Naik from Margao.  (These artistes
          will be flying from Goa to Germany for the occasion)

The show will take place at the Evangelische Hoffnungsgemeinde,
Opp. the Indian Consulate, Frankfurt @ 5:30 p.m. Fees will be 10
Euro p.p. As usual, Goan food/snacks and drinks will be sold at
reasonable rates. 

           For reservation please contact: Matano Gracias
           06171-969943, Vito Oliveira 06145-53575, Mariano
           Pereira 069-5071875, Jerome Simoes 069-361189, Michel
           Nazare 06192-952575. If calling from overseas please
           prefix 0049- for Germany. The Association counts on
           the support of all German Goans and well wishers to
           make this costly endeavour a success. [Goanet thanks
           Rodolfo de Souza of Chorao/Frankfurt for sending in
           this special update. He can be contacted at
           [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

>From Japan, with love: Tomoko Lobo penned these lines on the Goa
Heritage mailing list too. See
          Received news about World Goa Day!! This encouraged me
          to inform you that there are many people in the world
          whose hearts are in Goa. I'm a Japanese national
          married to a Goan, lived here for 15 years. Goa is now
          my home. In the meantime I have seen the growth of Goa
          -- some good some bad. As I used to work in the
          publishing field in Tokyo, my husband and I started a
          small publishing firm in 1993. I would like Goa lovers
          in a world to know that now you can get daily
          information on whats happening in Goa by logging on
          http://www.findall-goa.com. This is an e-magazine,
          apart from the free printed version available at Goa
          Airport and at most hotels. Your suggestions will
          enable us improve. Tomoko Lobo  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


St Rock's (Fatrdae) beat DBO Fatorda, to win Sebastiao Dias Cup NT

Government village school playground at Santa Cruz to be
inaugurated today. Exhibition match, Santa Cruz Villagers v/s
Merces Villagers.


ARLEM-RAIA: Miss Alisha Fernandes, Std III, OL of Livrament School.

BENAULIM: Joao Piedade Albuquerque (Menino) of Mondo. b 1949.

CALANGUTE: Agostinho Piedade Sequeira de Maria Pires of Umtabaddo.
Ex0turner of ITI Mapusa, Farmagudi and Ponda. b 1952.

CHORAO: Esperanca Mereciana Barreto e Fernandes, relict of
Marcos Pascoal F Fernandes (Portugal, Chorao, Maddel). Mother/
in-law of Socorinha/Edviges Barretto (Merces, London), and
Celina/Ivor Tellis (Curtorim, Merces, Muscat). Funeral date later.

DIVAR: Mathias C Rangel of Cursa Vaddo, b 1944

MARGAO: Maria Flora Biarca Fernandes, of Casa Assis, Old Market.

NEURA: Sharmila Correira e Pereira, b 1969. Wife of Cosme
Pereira, mother of baby Sidra. Died after brief illness.


PETER CORREIA ex-Dar-es-Salaam/Arusha, passed away today after a
long illness in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. He was husband of Marie
Correia. Father to Romalino, Milton (Arusha) and Vivian (Dar).
Brother-in-law of Rufine Dourado, Angela/Bellarmin Dourado
(Pittsburg) and Lira/Julius DeMello (Calgary). Please pass the
word around and remember him and his family in your prayers.

Sad demise of ROQUIZINHO PEREIRA (Roque) (ex-Comba-Margao GOA as
well as Iringa/Mbeya in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on July 19 of a
long illness. Survived by his wife Sebastiana, son Benedict,
daughters Linda and Lizette, their respective spouses Ivette,
Mervyn Vaz and Serry Rebello and grandchildren Ajoy and Roque
Jr. He was the brother of Phillip Neri/Lucy Pereira (England)

[Goanet welcomes tributes to the departed through this column.]

Quote... unquote

"IFFI is a rape on Goa". -- Gomantak Times editor Sujay Gupta, quoted
in the Navhind Times. He was also quoted saying that there were three
Congressmen on the IFFI core committee -- including Pratapsing Rane --
but all of them are shying away from speaking about the IFFI expenditures.

CULINARY CORNER * Appertizer parties: Sausage Cheese Balls

My Greek neighbor accross the street introduced me to this recipe.  Of
course I prefer it when she makes it and I always get invited for a
taste test, you can use any sausage but the spicier the better.  Please
send me your feedback at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Sausage Cheese Balls
1 lb hot pork sausage
1 lb grated extra sharp cheddar cheese

3 cups Bisquick (if you do not have Bisquick, here is a quick recipe for
a biscuit mix:  3 cups all purpose flour -- unbleached preferred, 1 1/2
tablespoons baking powder, 2 tsps. salt, 3/4 solid shortening -- butter
flavor, Crisco preferred.  Combine flour, baking powder, and salt in a
large bowl. Cut in shortening with 2 knives or pastry blender until
mixture resembles coarse corn meal. Store in a container with
tight-fitting lid.
Place all ingredients in a bowl. Knead with hands until smooth.
Roll into marble sized balls.
Heat oven to 450. Bake 10 minutes if unfrozen. Bake 12-15 if
frozen. They should be golden brown. If overcooked they are dry! 


EXPRESSIONS - The Flower Shop takes a short break: After six
years of uninterrupted service we are finally giving ourselves a
short break. From July 26, to August 9, 2005 we will not be
accepting orders. Orders already confirmed before July 26, for
delivery during the break period, will be serviced though.
Thanks for all your support and encouragement over the years.
Please forward this to any EXPRESSIONS client that you know.
--Cecil & Beatrice Pinto

       *  GOANET accepts your commercial announcements, and
       *  offers great value-for-money, reaching thousands of
       *  Goans across the globe. For advertising rates contact

LATEST ON GOANET: What does caste mean to Catholic Goans? Go vote and
read posts at http://www.goanet.org *** 

  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
||g |||o |||a |||n |||e |||t ||   Issue compiled by
||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__||   Frederick Noronha
|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copyleft Goanet 2005 http://www.creativecommons.org You may
reproduce this ezine in its entirety, with credits retained.

Goanet, the net-worker of all networks. Stay in touch.

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