Hello Goanetters,

Its hard to say which was a failure, as either way, Goa would have been 
liberated or attained its independence in the long run, even Macau got it. But 
what was wrong was the way it was attained. It was hurry, hurry affair, with 
no person fit to rule Goa. A big mistake on the part of Nehru, Hence all we 
have had were crooks ruling Goa, and Goans have accepted it as a way of life. 
Tumi chorat, amkam susegad dovrat. We Goans have always shied away from 
troubles, pois san polloupi. Its pointless crying over spilt milk. Until now, 
we have no Goan who can rule Goa, maybe something wrong with the chair. All 
good people leaving the soil to foreign countries and others remaining in Goa. 
To loot all they can. Fir bi dil hai Hindustani.

Goans wake up and give Floraino a chance.


Jerry Fernandes

--- Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If we do not accept failures we can not move on. The events of 61 was a 
clear failure, and
> still more you are not accepting the death of rule of law in Goa. Very 
shameful indeed.

Which of the two events of '61 are a failure? 

1. Goa liberated of the Portuguese.
2. Nehru's invasion.

Is it not clear which of the two events you consider 'a clear failure'.

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