"London Terrorist Bombings: Coping Strategies For Victims" -- Institute For
Complementary Medicine's Free Article by Hypnotherapist Gregory Antão of

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"Strategies to cope with acute stress and trauma" by London hypnotherapist
Gregory Antão, is a special article published by the prestigious UK based
Institute for Complementary Medicine (ICM). The article shows you some powerful
ways of how to cope with the psychological aftermath of the London terrorist
bombings and other such traumatic events. This is especially useful for the
surviving victims and their families, the emergency service personnel involved
and to anyone else traumatised by the impact of this appalling outrage. The
article “Strategies to cope with acute stress and trauma” may be accessed at

(PRWEB) July 20, 2005 -- Terrorist outrages like the very recent London bombings
can leave some very enduring mental scars and traumatise anyone touched either
directly or indirectly by these events.

Especially vulnerable are the surviving victims and the families of victims of
these shocking outrageous acts of terrorism. Almost equally traumatised are
personnel from the emergency services who are involved in the rescue, medical,
security and identification processes. Even those who were not directly involved
such as observers and bystanders as well as the end users of the news media
output, can also suffer the effects of trauma to a life changing extent.

Gregory Antão, a London Hypnotherapist and Licensed NLP Practitioner, has
written an article for the UK-based ICM (Institute for Complementary Medicine)
Online Journal. This shows how some very useful and simply applied strategies,
as well as some really cutting edge Mind Technologies, can be applied very
effectively in these cases. These techniques will greatly help to reduce and
manage the levels of trauma being experienced. They will also assist to enhance
the life quality of victims and sufferers of these acutely stressful scenarios.

Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) are two such, highly effective
Mind Technologies - which are used synergistically and this combination is
termed HypnosNLP™. Descriptions of how these and other allied techniques can be
used to quickly and efficiently improve the 'Life Quality' of stress victims are
also discussed.

The article "Strategies to cope with acute stress and trauma" may be accessed at
The article may also be accessed directly at the ICM website at
during July/August. Thereafter in its "Archive" section.
HypnosNLP™ techniques have also been used to really great effect in treating
disorders such as phobias and fears such as "Fear of Flying" – in just one or
two sessions; stress-based problems; self-confidence and self-image deficits;
addictions, smoking cessation – in just a single cessation session; weight
control; sexual dysfunction, sports and performance enhancement and a wide range
of other conditions. Articles on HypnosNLP™ and allied subjects can be accessed
or downloaded at

Gregory Antão first qualified as a Chartered Engineer, before becoming a
professional therapist. He is a Licensed Practitioner of NLP, a Certified
Hypnotherapist and a member of the British Institute of Hypnotherapy. He studied
Neuro-Linguistic Programming under its acclaimed co-founder Dr. Richard Bandler
and was trained in hypnosis in the USA. Gregory uses his own particular form of
combinational therapy, which he terms HypnosNLP™, at his UK practices in
London's Harley Street and in Weybridge, Surrey. He has appeared on the UK
Living TV channel and on BBC radio interviews and “phone-ins” in relation to his
hypnosis work. He has also written several articles on HypnosNLP™, hypnosis, NLP
and hypnotherapy for the internationally renowned Institute for Complementary
Medicine (ICM) Online Journal and other national and international publications.

Gregory Antão practices in London and in Weybridge, Surrey. He is available to
see clients for private consultations in London (Harley Street and Violet Hill
Studios) as well as at the Maple Leaf Clinic in Weybridge, Surrey. For more
information, call him on (+44) 0870 1997834 or see his website: ; email: Hypnos

[Thanks to Eddie Fernandes of for pointing out to
this. FN]

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