Sadly, very sadly,  Freds' is a voice in the
wilderness. It helps if one learns to laugh at one's
self,  i hear that frequently in the US, and they do
follow that advise a great deal.   eric.
--- "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Rene Barreto wrote:
> > Mr. Nair ,
> > I believe You are TRYING  to ridicule SOME our
> > Goans , please stop doing that. Please stop being
> too
> > smart. 
> > I am not too sure if other Goans feel the same or
> > are they too scared to say so. ....
> Ridicule? In what sense?
> There are racist Goans too, the kind who hate people
> on the basis of
> place-of-birth, origin or religious background. Our
> skin colour may not
> be white/pink, but that doesn't stop us from feeling
> superior to others.
> This holds true of almost every society, but it was
> acutely felt in Goa
> in the 'eighties onwards. I think RKN is pointing to
> this reality. 
> Unlike British society, which has its strong
> component of
> criticism-from-within, we in Goa (and the rest of
> India, probably) are
> very thin-skinned and averse to criticism. So, while
> the best studies of
> British imperialism come from the UK itself, we in
> Goa, on the contrary,
> are unwilling to look critically at our own society,
> warts and all.
> While we need to improve our self-image to become
> more positive about
> ourselves, we also need to be more open to
> criticism. Both goals are not
> mutually exclusive. FN

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