Hi Rene,
I appreciate your below comments. This is also to note that, George has given 
his suggetions and might not be able to do enough to get the ball rolling. I 
belive that he is trying to insight all the able personalities to make this 
dream come true. We as Goans need to do a lot is this areas i.e to say not 
only in terms of media and entertainment but also in the field of medical 
facilities for all our Goans. All the Goans who are participating in this 
forum will agree with me that till now we do not have one good hispital in Goa 
and it is sad that we travel as far as Mumbai, Manipal and orther states. 
Definetly you will say, " why dont you start acting right now in this 
The solution for this is to bring all the orgnazations come under one 
umberella and then only the ball might roll. Can we call upon GWA - Kuwait, 
KKK - Kuwait and other Goan clubs from other countires that are only 
organizing dances and parties. 
Let us all together collect funds for a good cause and not waste funds. We can 
build a better future together in all areas.

rene barretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi George , 

Those who sahre their thoughts and ideas , should
also consider ways of MAKING THINGS HAPPEN...and that
too by getting involved. DONT wait for others to MAKE
things HAPPEN for you ...get involved , Participate

George , may I suggest that you get involved and
start the ball rolling ...can we do that ?..if so ,
LETS JUST DO IT ... get all those who have written in
support of a konkani TV channel come TOGETHER and
start * making this dream come true, a launch of TV
channel * 

--- George Ferns wrote:

> Hi Goanetters,
> My sincere request goes all the groups to come
> forward and assist in launching 
> a konkani TV channel which can cover news, konkani
> serials, movies, adds, etc. 
> There is lot of hidden talents in our goan blood,
> youth, to be cherish. 

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