Looks like the present Congress Govt is pretty much in lock-step with the prior 
Goa govt of the BJP about IFFI and the MOPA airport!  Yes, a few supposed 
"pre-conditions" by Mr. Rane.  This would suggest, that about 80-90% of Goa's 
elected representatives are in favor of these projects.

Where does that leave the opinions of most of the cyber-Goans?
The tourists-businesses and the "silent working majority of native Goans" 
appear to have won the argument.  
My philosophical question:  Why is there such a big disconnect between the 
Goans in cyber Goa and the native Goans about whom and whose "interest" native 
Goans write about.

I am sure some will respond saying, "the elected representatives do not 
represent the interest of the native Goans," as some journalists (in the press 
and in cyber-Goa) have written.  Well in that case the journalist should 
contest the election against these politicians and let the electorate / 
resident Goans decide whose policies and economics they would prefer. That's 
the way it is done in democracy and not through personal denigrating newspaper 
articles/editorials asking the politician "to step down." Defeat him/her in the 

Perhaps now that Goa's two major political parties have spoken, the majority of 
cyber-Goans can work to make these even greater success stories instead we 
being our usual "naysayers".
Kind Regards, GL

Rane govt sets pre-condition on holding IFFI

The Chief Minister, Mr Pratapsing Rane has set a pre-condition for the central 
government to declare Goa as permanent venue of the International Film Festival 
of India for giving state's consent to hold the 36th IFFI.

The I&B ministry has already announced its IFFI schedule.
"If the Union cabinet declares Goa as permanent IFFI venue, we will welcome 
holding the IFFI in Goa," Mr Rane remarked.

The government would sign memorandum of understanding for holding 36th IFFI 
only if the central government declares Goa as permanent venue of the IFFI in 
the country. Mr Rane said this would help Goa in long way instead of co-hosting 
the IFFI for one or two years.

Mr Rane said the I&B ministry has agreed to equally share expenditure on the 
36th IFFI, but the government was of the opinion that it would be wasteful 
expenditure on the festival by co-hosting it for one or two years.

Infrastructure created for the IFFI like multiplex, roads should be of
permanent nature and not for one or two years, and in view of this the
government has set the pre-condition to give its consent, Mr Rane stated.

However, Mr Rane said he was extremely happy over the Planning
Commission allocating additional funds for Goa and that these funds
were sufficient to clear pending IFFI bills. A bill of three hotels running
into around Rs 1 crore is pending, he informed and added that the
government has to settle contractors' bills, which run into crores
of rupees, Mr Rane informed.

Asked whether the government proposed to set up an inquiry commission to look 
into the expenditure on IFFI-related projects, Mr Rane said the government 
would soon decide the course of action to be initiated into the 
IFFI-expenditure. He stated engineering audit over the Kala Academy is in 
progress, and that all other 11 contractors involved in IFFI-related projects 
would be disengaged.

The Chief Minister revealed that the Entertainment Society, Goa, the body 
created to co-host the IFFI, would continue to exist. He said the government 
would soon re-constitute the ESG.

On the Mopa airport, Mr Rane informed that the 800 sq. km land is being 
acquired at the Mopa plateau in Pernem taluka and technical feasibility report 
has been prepared by the Airport de Paris. He said the government would invite 
bids from reputed firms for the proposed international airport by December.

Mr Rane said the airport would be built with public-private participation and 
would be given on BOOT basis. Though he said the estimates are yet to be 
prepared, the estimated cost on the construction would be around Rs 1000 crore.

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