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 GOA - 403 521, INDIA
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Kindly give publicity to the following press release.

Pratap Naik, S.J.

Resolutions passed during Roman script Konkani writers, tiatrists, and
artists' meeting held at  Margão on August 08, 2005

More than fifty Konkani writers, tiatrists, and artists and readers of
Roman script Konkani held a meeting at Grace Church hall at Margão on
Monday, 8th August 2005 at 4.00 p.m.  The meeting was convened by Dalgado
Konknni Akademi (DKA), to demand equal status for Roman script Konkani with
that of Devanagari.  Mr. Tomazinho Cardozo, the president of  DKA,  DKA
Executive members Mr. Wilson Mazarello and Fr. Pratap Naik, S.J., well known
tiatrist Mr. Mario Menezes addressed the gathering, and explained the need
of including Roman script Konkani in the Language Act.  Mr. Ullas Buyãv,
Cosma Fernandes, Boniface Dias, Jose Gomes,  Michael Gracias, and others
took part in the discussion.  Mr. Jose Salvadore Fernandes, the secretary of
DKA proposed vote of thanks. The following resolutions were passed
1. Goa's Konkani community is divided into two groups, namely those who read
and write Konkani in Devanagari script, and those who read and write Konkani
in Roman script.  Therefore Goa Government should give equal and official
status to Konkani written in Devanagari and Roman scripts.  For this the
Govt. should modify the Language Act accordingly.  The present Language
Act,1987  2. (c) reads "Konkani language" means Konkani language in
Devanagari script.  We propose the following amendment to 2. (c):
"Konkani language" means Konkani language in Devanagari and Roman scripts.

2. Goa Government recognizes Marathi Akademi as the official Akademi for
Marathi in Goa and gives grants. Similarly, Goa Government must recognize
Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA) as the official NGO of  Konkani  in Roman
script and give the same amount of grants which the Govt. gives to Goa
Konkani Akademi (GKA) and Marathi Akademi.

3. So far, Goa Govt. has not appointed the president of GKA from the Roman
script group.  The term of the present GKA president will be completed in
the month of November 2005.  Hence this time Govt. must appoint the
president of GKA from the minority community.  In the future, Govt. could
appoint the president by turns from Devanagari script and Roman script

4. GKA is a Govt. institution.  At present a nominee of the All India
Konkani Parishad is the ex-officio member of GKA.  GKA Constitution must be
amended to include  a nominee of Dalgado Konknni Akademi as the ex-officio
member of GKA.  Goa Govt. appoints three persons eminent in the field of
Konkani language, literature or culture as ex-officio members of GKA.  While
nominating these three persons Govt. should give equal representation to
Devanagari and Roman script groups.

5. In the past Kala Akademi (KA) used to give annual prizes for books
published in Devanagari and Roman scripts.  For the last many years it has
stopped giving awards to books written in Roman script.  KA should be
ordered to give awards to Roman script Konkani writers, and extend to them
all other projects and schemes which are available to Konkani in Devanagari

6. Kala Akademi gives Gomantak Sharada Puroskar to Konkani writers in
Devanagari script and Marathi writers.  In future KA must consider and give
this prestigious award to Roman script writers and artists as well.

7. Kala Akademi is established to promote the culture of Goa.  Hence it
should be asked to hold competitions and to promote non-stop Konkani drama,
one-act plays in Konkani in Roman script, Mandos, Dekhnnis, Christmas
carols, Church hymns, Motets, Intruz khells, Kantaram, Kunbi songs and
dances, and other folk arts.

8. Govt. must name its new theatre for the performing arts in Margão, in
honour of Late João Augustinho Fernandes, who is popularly known as "Pai
Tiatrist".   By doing this Govt. will honour a great Goan tiatrist and his
minority community.  If this is not done we are forced to consider it as an
insult done by the Govt. to Goans and Goan tiatrists and artists.

9. Tiatr is the most popular form of theatre in Goa.  To promote this local
art form Goa Govt. should make available its theatres in Panaji, Ponda and
elsewhere at subsidized rates for tiatrs.  This generous gesture of the
Govt. will boost the tiatr industry.

10. Goa Konkani Akdemi, Kala Akademi, Directorate of Art and Culture, and
other Govt. departments while publishing Konkani books, should publish them
in both Devanagari script and Roman script.

11. In school syllabus, lessons from Roman script Konkani must be given
equal representation without changing the language and style.  In college
and university syllabus Konkani literature written in Roman script should be
taught in Roman script itself.  Students who opt for Konkani as a major
subject  at T.Y. B.A. or at M.A. level must know to read and write Konkani
in Devanagari and Roman scripts.

12. Konkani has two representatives in Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. Goa Govt.
sends three names to Sahitya Akademi as its nominees.  Let the Goa Govt.
send names of Devanagari writers and Roman script writers by turns.

13. To promote Konkani films the Govt. must establish a separate board of
film experts, and representatives from Devanagari and Roman script writers
to check the quality of films and allot them subsidy.

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