<The Konkan Railway Corporation's ambitious plans to
start sky bus railway in Goa came dashing down as Pratapsingh Rane
government on Tuesday approved setting up of Monorail service. The Rane
cabinet which met this afternoon approved Monorail service connecting major
towns of the state.>

How much money has the state invested in KRC's skybus? Can this investment
be liquidated without too much of a loss? If Goa govt is not willing to buy
into skybus technology then who will?

Btw, what were the options considered by the Rane govt for intra-state
transport of passengers and freight? What were the pros and cons of each? It
is not enough to say that XYZ is used in this or that foreign country and
hence we can go for it in Goa! This may be a surefire way for BOOM (and
BOOT) to go bust.

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