Well done!  Now, can we take the Goa government to task?



Where are industries in Goa disposing their hazardous waste?

By Whistle-Blower 

There are certain industries that generate hazardous liquid waste from
their processes and to avoid additional expenses on effluent treatment,
some of them directly dispose this waste into nearby streams or lakes or
the sea, etc. But if this liquid effluent is properly treated, the final
waste discharge could possibility meet the discharge norms that are
stipulated by the Pollution Control Board (PCB).

* In certain areas in Goa (especially around Canacoa), why is there a
sudden rise in health problems of people suffering with serious ailments
of skin and internal organs (liver, kidney, brain, etc.)? Are there any
industrial waste dump sites (legal or illegal) in and around this area? 

The above are some of the questions which could provide some food for
thought and prevent further innocent victims of improper waste disposal
in Goa. 

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