Someone in Goa remarked that IT in Goa is MT!
Substantially this could turn out to be correct
considering the fact that the  hundreds and hundreds
of acres of land accquired by one of Goa' s numerous
dispensations went unutilised, and now there is talk
by some other responsible Govt functionaries about
biotechnology! To be candid even  D-Link which is the
most tom-tommed Company by the Goa Chamber of Commerce
and others like Nand Kamat,has recourse to "sweated"
labour. It is this aspect of wages that needs to be
highlighted whether it is IT, SEZ, Biotech, etc etc
etc. What is the use of business which uses abysmally
low wages as "competitive advantage". Ofcourse this
does not imply that wages comparable to those paid in
UK, USA must be paid in Goa. This would be an unfair
thing, but it must be ensured that a "fair wage" is
paid. It is suggested that wages in new-fangled
business models must be atleast 30 percent above the
currently prescribed "minimum wages" in Goa. This
would result in an even playing field for both LABOUR
and CAPITAL     

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