Dear Rene,

As promised by Diana, I am sending you the Rules and
Regulations of the Society. Number 21, deals with
opening of Chapters/Centres around the  world.


Edwin Pinto


     AS6/7, Pancharatna Bldg. 
        Martires Dias Rd.,
     Margao, Goa -  403 601


AS6/7, Pancharatna Bldg. 
Martires Dias Rd.,
Margao, Goa -  403 601


Activities of the Society will be financed 
through funds raised from  the following 
sources :

a) Subscription from Members

b) Donations, Grants and Bequests

c) Collections made by the Board of Management 
by means of any function  or special appeals 
organised for the purpose

d) Government Incentives

e) Donations

f) Fixed Deposits

g) Loans

h) Cultural programs

i) Building Rent

j) Publicaiton of Advertisements

k) Through the Associations Manual Booklets

4. Clauses necessary for the purpose of 
getting Income Tax EXEMPTION  UNDER  SEC.804

No amendment to the objects rules and regulations of
the Society shall  be made which might prove to be
repugnant to the provisions of section  2(15)
and 80(G) of the Income Tax Act 1961. Further, no
amendments shall be carried out without the prior
approval of the Commissioner of Income  Tax.

The investments of the Society shall be made in 
such approved securities asprescribed in Section
11(5) read with Section 13(c)(d) of the Income 
Tax Act 1961.


The Constitution of the Society can be amended 
with 2/3rds of the  members present. The Amendment
can be either at a meeting of the Executive Body 
or at a meeting of the General Council.


The Office Bearers of the Society are as follows :

a) President

b) Vice President

c) Secretary

d) Asst. Secretary

e) Treasurer

f) Asst. Treasurer

g) Seven members

If two or more candidates contest the elections, 
then the election  process will take place by 
secret polling.


The General Bodya of the Soceity is hereinafter 
known as General  Council.

The Members of the General Council shall elect the
President of the  Soceity by a simple majority from
amongst themselves.

1)  The term of the President will be 3 years.

2)  One person can be elected President for not more
than 2 consecutive terms.

3)  As soon as the new President is declared elected,
the powers should  be transferred to him within thirty
days from the date of such declaration  and
the former President will retire.

4)  If any act of the President proves to be harmful
and against the interest of the society in whatsoever
manner, the General Council has  the power to direct
the President to retire and quit the office. But a
resolution to this effect should be supported by
2/3rds majority of  votes from the members who are
present at the said meeting and only such a resolution
shall be valid.

i)  The various committees will be approved by the
President and the President or the Secretary shall 
be the Chairman of the Committee.

ii)  The President has the power to appoint any
members of the  Executive Board as working President,
if he so desires.

iii)  The President has the power to appoint three
members of the  Executive Board to make the working 
of the Society more practicable if he so  desires.

iv)  The suggestions received from the Government
agencies, public,  members or other social welfare
associations with regard to the working of the
Society, will be studied and consulted by the
President with the  advisory Committee and he 
will keep it before the relative committee or 
before  the Executive Board.

v)  The place and date of the Executive Board Meeting
or any other  committee meeting will be decided by the
President in consultation with the  General Secretary.

vi)  The President will have the authority to appoint
the Secretary,  Asst. Secretary or Executive Board
Member if anybody resigns or if the post  falls
vacant due to any other circumstances during his
tenure, in  consultation with the Executive Committee.

vii)  In the event of the President's chair falling
vacant, a new  President will be elected from the
Executive Board members, only in that  particular

viii) In the absence of the President, all his powers
will be exercised  by the senior most member of the
Managing Committee.


The General Council shall elect from amongst the
members of the Society, a Vice President for the
Society. In the absence of the President, 
working will be looked after by the Vice President
with the same powers as of  the President while acting
during such period of absence of the President.


The General Council shall elect from the members of
the Society, the Secretary for the Society.

1) The Secretary will be the Chief Executive officer
of the  organisation.

2)  The Secretary will have to take down and keep the
records of transactions passed in the different
committee meetings, which should  be place in the
subsequent meetings for acceptance.

3)  The Secretary has to perform the following duties

i)  He should act as a spokesman of the Society. the
Secretary is  deemed to take decision in consultation
with the President.

ii)  He should undertake correspondence with different
people such as  with the members, Government agencies,
Margao Municipal Council, Village Panchayat and
semi-Government agencies, press and any other 
having the same objectives.

iii)  He has to inform the Executive Board members
about meetings after permission is received from the
President. The members should receive  the invitation
for a meeting along with the agenda within seven days
from  the date of the meeting.

iv)  With the permission of the Executive Committee,
the Secretary should take part in any Agreement on
behalf of the organization, and in case  the Secretary
enters into any Agreement without such permission, the
same  will not be valid and will not be binding on the

v)  The income source of the Society should be
protected and the  expenses should be incurred
according to rule.

vi)  The Accounts of the Society should be maintained
up to date with  the help of the Treasurer.

vii) Yearly Report and Budget of the Society should be
kept ready.

viii)  In the event of any confusion regarding the
rules and  regulations of the Society, the Secretary
should consult the president and should act according
to his guidance.


The General Council shall elect from amongst the
members of the Society the Asst. Secretary for the
Society. In the absence of the Secretary, the 
Asst. Secretary will look after the working with the
same powers as that of  the Secretary while acting
during such a period of absence of the  Secretary.


The General Council through themselves shall select
the Treasurer of  the Society. He is wholly and solely
responsible for the increment of  funds. He should
frame the policies or schemes and get the same
approved through  the Executive Board or from the
President of the Society. He shall be  treated as
the Ex-Officio person for fund raising of the Society.
He should keep up to date the Accounts of the
Association with the help of the Secretary.


The General Council through themselves shall elect the
Asst. Treasurer  of the Society. In the absence of the
Treasurer, the Asst. Treasurer shall function as the
Treasurer, with all the power of the Treasurer during 
such period of absence of the Treasurer.


The total members of the Society constitutes the
General Council who  have voting right, irrespective
of caste, creed and religion. The person who 
is residing in Goa, and has obtained membership of the
Association shall  be treated as a member. The
qualifications laid down for obtaining the membership
are as under:-

1)  He should be major i.e. should have completed 18
years, and should  be a resident of Goa having a deep
love for the Konknni language and be  willing to abide
by the objectives of the society. In the case of a
member who  has not attained majority age, the voting
right will be restricted till he attains majority,
with the society protecting his interests.

2)  Shri Antonio da Piedade Morais who has contributed
his valuable 2000 plus books for SONDORBH GRONTHALAYA
will be a permanent member of the Society and the
Executive Board and after him the permanent membership

of the Society and the Executive Board will be
transferred to any one of  his heirs as long as the
society exists.

3)  The General Council has the right to elect the
Executive Committee.

4)  The General Council has the power to call
emergency Meetings to  take any decisions by giving 15
days notice to President/Secretary. The  Memorandum
should be signed by 1/3rd of the members.

5)  The decision of the Executive Committee stands
valid if 1/3rd of  the total members do not present
objections through the proper channels  within seven
days from the date of the decision.

6)  The General Council has the right to amend the
rules and  regulations if it feels necessary to do so.
But any such changes should be accepted by 2/3rd
members present in the Meeting.

7)  The General Council Meeting will be called once in
a year. If the President recommends or the Executive
Board / Committee suggests or if  1/3rd of the total
members demand such a meeting, then the Secretary can
call  out a special General Council Meeting within 30
days of the said notice.

8)  All the members of the Society shall follow the
rules and  regulations.

9)  If any acts of a member are brought to the notice
to be harmful to  the Society or against the Society
or they are not following the rules and regulations of
the Society or violates the conditions imposed on
them,  then by 2/3rd majority of the members present
in the Executive Committee his membership can be
revoked. If the said member stands appointed onto any
Committee, his membership thereof also stands void. In
such  circumstances, the President has the power to
fill in that vacant post or the  Executive Committee
has power to do so in consultation with the respective


10)  The General Council will also decide to
constitute a new  Committee, for the purpose of
conducting elections.. The 3 person election
commission  may be elected by the General Council. In
its absence, the President will appoint the said
election Commission whose tenure will be 5 years.


There will be the following categories of members:

(a) Life Member with a membership fee of Rs.1000

(b) Patron Member with a membership fee of Rs.5000 or

(c) Institutional Members - the General Council may
invite and admit  state governments, academic
instititutions, companies and associations etc. 
as institutional members on such terms and conditions
as may be determined  by it.

(d) Fellow Members - The General Council may invite
and admit  individuals with outstanding achievements
as fellow members.

(e) Honorary Members - The General Council may admit
and confer  Honorary membership on any person, Indian
or non Indian, eminent in public life  and interested
in the furtherance of the aims and objects of the


The Managing Committee of the Society will hereafter
be called the  Executive Committee or Executive Board.

 The Executive Board will consist of :

NAME OF THE POST                                 

President   1 

Vice President  1

Secretary    1

Asst.Secretary  1

Treasurer    1

Asst.Treasurer    1

 Members      7

TOTAL    13


Any proposals to be forwarded by all committees,
members of the  Executive Boards or policies should
be brought to the notice of the Executive 

The Executive Board will frame schemes for the
advancement and  enhancement of the society in
consultation with the General Council.


The minimum Quorum for the conduct of every meeting
will be 1/3rd of  the members. In a General Council
Meeting, if Quorum is not available then the
said meeting will take place after 30 minutes from the
time of the  meeting, and for this the Quorum will not
be counted.


The Society fund should be kept in any Nationalised
Bank on the basis  of a decision to be taken by the
President. The accounts will be operated by 
the President/Secretary/Treasurer. The functioning of
the accounts will be supervised and monitored by the

19. AUDIT:

a)  Every year the accounts of the society shall be
examined and the veracity of the statements of
accounts certified by one or more  chartered

b)  At the Annual General Meeting of the Society one
or more chartered accountants shall be appointed as
auditors of the Society but no member  of the board 
of Management shall be eligible to be appointed as


The decision of the Executive Board will be binding on
the members and  also on different Committees.

The Constitution provides voting by secret ballot
only. In some circumstances if the members demand
voting by show of hand, then such decisions should be
taken by the President of the Association. The 
President can change the procedure of voting.
Otherwise the voting will be by  secret ballot paper.

While implementing the Constitution if new rules are
deemed to be  necessary, then those rules will be
framed by a specially appointed Committee. The
rules should be approved by 2/3rd of the members of
the Executive  Board. The special Committee will be
appointed by the President.


Centres/chapters may be started anywhere in the world
aimed at  promoting and furthering the objectives of
the society with the following conditions  :

a)  Each Centre/Chapter will have a life member of the
Society as its observer/nominee to supervise the
activity and send the Report to the headquarters.

b)  There shall be no compulsion with regard to
payment of fees/contributions

c)  Funds can be raised only to meet the projects and
administration of  the Centre/Chapter

d)  Surplus Funds will be transferred to the


If a notice is served for dissolution, a General
Council meeting will  be called, and a decision 
taken by 2/3rd of the majority of members  present. 
If the resolution is passed for the dissolution, 
then a Committee  comprising three members will be
appointed and the period for dissolution process 
will be three months. After the dissolution of the
Society, the total assets  of the Society will be
given to any organisation having similar objectives 
or any welfare agencies or trust. The decisions are to
be taken by the President of the society in
consultation with the Advisory Committee.

However, the decision of the President will be final.
No member of the Society can claim any right in the
assets of the Society in whatsoever manner.

CERTIFIED that this is a correct copy of the Rules and
Regulation of GoenkaraNchem Daiz Society.

Place:- Margao

Date:- May 9, 2005


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