--- Vivian D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am sorry to see this discussion about who was the originator of World Goa 
> Day.  


Don't be sorry.  Goans should be grown up enough to deal with such mundane 
matters as the proper
history of a Goan event.  If they cannot do something basic as that, what do 
they aspire to?

> What is the point ?

So credit is given wherever it is due and to whomever it is due and to EVERYONE.

> A woman may give birth, 

To use your metaphor, a woman does not birth alone.  Usually with another man. 
There is more than
one involved.

> But it is the woman who nourishes and raises the baby to adulthood who 
> deserves real credit, 

Again to use your metaphor, many are responsible for upbringing, including an 
extended family and

> Lets give credit where it is due. 

I agree, to ALL those who made it happen and make it happen.


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