I could not find the ad for the kingfisher airlines on
the company website, and would be happy if someone
sends me a link or posts it on the forum.

Scantily-clad girls promoting tourist destinations is
not new. It seems the old controversy of the billboard
that was outside the Dabolim airport has been
reignited. I think it was the billboar welcoming
visitors to Goa to a place where "anything goes",
maybe I am not using the exact words.

In the current controversy, the NGOs and individuals
may be fighting the "sublimal" message in the
Kingfisher Airlines ad.
Whether we like it or not, Goa has attained fame (or
to those who look at the other side, infamy) as a fun
place. Maybe this is the hangover from the hippie
I doubt, however, Goa is looked at as a "sin city" in
the manner such as Bangkok. The paedophile image
created with the arrest of Freddy Peats and the
reopening of the issue with Peats's associate in the
child-sex ring now brought to Goa will put the
spotlight back on Goa.
Kerala offers almost equivalent or better scenic
delights as Goa, but its tourist image is much
"cleaner" than Goa's. Once an image is created, it
As far as I can see, Goa's image isn't soiled. Such
ads only create some frills, but visitors would be
losers if they come for "sex tourism." In this
not-so-subtle ads, Goa can come to be projected as a
better nightspot than the rest of India, though
frankly the nightlife in some metropolitcan cities,
particularly Mumbai, is much more tempting to those
who seek such pleasures.
In new tourist places such as Dubai, which is promoted
as very liberal compared to other cities in the Middle
East, there is what one would call "underground
tourism." The word "sex" is taboo.
I can believe that call-girl rackets are existing in
Goa but open soliciting as done on Dubai streets may
not be taking place. That Goa had or still has a "red
light" district is enough to convince the global
traveller that the state is "hot".
I read an article on Goa's tourism in the current
issue of Goa Today, but I don't remember reading
anything on sex being one of the magnets, rest being
sun, sea and feni, attracting tourists, foreign and
domestic, to Goa.
I would hold rest of my comments till I see the
Kingfisher Airlines ad. If someone could post me
privately the ad, I would be thankful.

Eugene Correia

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