The ROMAN SCRIPT MOVEMENT is now gaining awareness
like never before.  After the President of the Dalgado
Konknni Akademi posted the memorandum on 19th and 20th
August 2005 the issue to all the 40 MLAs of Goa
Legislative Assembly, and the 3 Members of Parliament
representing Goa in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha,
most MLA's and MP's thus far approached have been
"sympathetic" to the cause but when asked to bring the
issue during the current session of the House they
seem to develop cold feet or pass on the buck -  a la
" who will bell the cat"  

This is the litmus test to ascertain the calibre of
our supposedly  Goan centric Members of the
Legislature and the Members of Parliament. 

If the MLAs and MP's do not reflect the aspiration of
the people of Goa or the vote bank on whom they depend
to come to power -- they could as well pack their bags
and sit at home --- Excuses of backlash, or too late,
etc mean nothing. Whether its the High Command or the
Low Command of the Party to decide is all balderdash. 

For too long the lovers of Konkani in Roman script
have been taken for granted ---first by the Konkani
porjecho Avaz which had mainly protagonists of the
ONLY DEVNAGIRI SCRIPT who provided the "logistics for
the movement albeit clandestinely -- while our present
MP Mr Churchill Alemao who was made to play the role
of "Robinhood"    was hoodwinked to compromise on the
script.  Today he sings another note -- he believes in
BOTH SCRIPTS  Devnagiri and Roman, but is yet to make
a statement on the floor of the Parliament.

But notwithstanding the  muted silence of our
legislators and MPs  Goans world wide  viz; from
Canada, Doha Qatar,Kuwait, Macau, Melbourne, Portugal,
Saudi Arabia,  Riyadh,U.A.E., Dubai, U.K Abudhabi,
Mumbai, Udupi Karnataka, Pune, U.S.A. The prominent
ones like Bishop of Pune, ex Member of Parliament,
Rajya Sabha Mr Eduardo Martinho Faleiro and
associations  have rendered great support. 

Let the emails continue.

It is hoped that the Goans world wide will keep up the
tempo becaese it is you who have the power to make the
legislative members and our Parliamentarians perform
on the floor of the Parliament and the Goa Legislative

This writer has been making efforts to get an MLA to
raise a "Calling Attention Motion" and despite initial
reluctance the issue is recieving "activeconsideration
before the end of the session.  Wait and watch for
this moment.

Meanwhile here is a write up to energise one's thought
process on the merits of our movement. 

It is the endeavour of all those recieving these posts
to ensure wide circulations.  

The members of the RMS (which is a collective of all
you  lovers of the Roman script  beginning with those
who have sent emails faxes and letters besides other
associations etc) are ready to give clarifications on
any doubts raised by the lovers of Konkani in Roman

Meanwhile there have been requests to send the 3 part
report on "Konkani and Roman script" (written in Roman
script Konkani) by Fr Pratap Naik sj to individuals in
WORD format. 

This writer is therefore willing to e-mail the same to
those desirous free of cost. Kindly therefore direct
your request

There are some positive hopes that the Archdiocese of
Goa and Daman may come out with a statement in support
of the demand for amendment to the Official Language
Act 1987 with inclusion of the words "in Roman script"
for definition of Konkani besides Devnagiri.  

It is certain that contrary to the common belief of a
Marathi protoganist back lash, the Bahujan Samaj (non
Hindu Brahmins ) will rejoice if Roman script is
accepted for they have been consistently annoyed with
the Catholics playing second fiddle nd being gullible
to the chicanery of the "Only devnagiri script Konkani
lovers" and getting duped in the process only to
realise later when the harm has been done as in  the
present case  -- i.e after 18 years"

The stoic silence of the "only devnagiri script " has
surprised many but this writer has authentic
information from friends of "only devnagiri script
Konkani' that rectifying the MISTAKE will further the
growth of Konkani -- meaning they realise the need for
bot scripts in Goa Devnagiri and Roman.


- Dr. Matthew Almeida

In his latest book The argumentative Indian the Nobel
laureate Amartya Sen speaking about the argumentative
tradition of a loquacious nation, says: ‘…[P]ersistent
arguments are an important part of our public life.’
We, the Konkani people, are no exception to this. Once
adversaries tried to belittle Konkani saying that she
had no script.  Now protagonists create an uproar
about Konkani scripts, dialects, literature and
society.  There is utter confusion in their minds
between the Konkani language and the scripts employed
to write it. 

High time we learn from specialists to distinguish
language and script.  Central Hindi Directorate of
Govt. of India brought out an official book, written
by eminent linguistic scholars like Dr Suniti Kumar
Chatterji, titled Devanagari : Development,
amplification and standardization.  They give their
learned opinion on language, alphabet and script as a
summary of their book thus:
“* Language is something that is intrinsic to
* Alphabet has a certain relation to language and some
alphabets express different sounds more successfully
than others.
* Scripts are an abstraction thrice removed from
direct experience.
* Any alphabet can be written in any script and
therefore it follows that any language can be written
in any script, provided the alphabet has the necessary
sounds.  If it has not, such sounds may be added and
visual symbols invented or adopted to represent them.
* The only basis on which to prefer a script should
therefore be clarity, legibility and capacity for easy
manual and mechanical manipulation.”

Speaking, listening and communication are of the
essence of language.  Writing is one of the means of
recording speech, and script is only a means of
reducing speech to writing.  Script is just like a
garment with no absolute value.  The claim that
Devanagari is the ‘natural script’ does not seem to
make much sense, because any script is a set of
symbols arbitrarily chosen to represent speech sounds.
 If Devanagari script was created expressly to
represent Konkani sounds, the term ‘natural script’
would make good sense.  

Some seem to identify language with the script in
which it is written.  Konkani language can never be
identified with Devanagari.  Just knowing Devanagari
script does not mean that one knows Konkani.  It is
strange how some Goa school managements could ask
Marathi teachers with only a smattering of Konkani, 
to teach Konkani just because they knew Devanagari



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