VM De Malar, "Please come back, Mr Premji", HERALD, August 30, 2005. [An
"open letter" to the Chairman of Wipro after the latter's recent visit]

The reality: "We're still only a rest and recreation stop for the players in
India's spectacular economic rise .. The most we can hope for is that the
newly rich from those [dynamic Indian] cities come here once in a while and
spend some of their piles of money in our hotels and on our cheap t-shirts".

The problem: "We have a perpetually unstable government  ... We have a
disgraceful infrastructure ... Even our best competitive asset our vaunted
quality of life is deteriorating steadily as garbage overwhelms the system's
ability to cope and illegal construction mushrooms everywhere."

The opportunity: "Any head of a multinational cannot fail to be impressed by
the global crossroads that has emerged here in Goa .. We're beautifully
situated short airplane hops from some of the fastest growing economic
hotbeds in the world. We have goodwill; Goa is among India's top ten best
known international brands. .. Our state is small and manageable enough that
truly dedicated and visionary leadership could ramp up the infrastructure
within five years to the world class, failure resistant standards demanded
by Wipro .."

The bottom line: "Goa is missing the boat  on virtually all counts and the
political class is squarely to blame."

Rays of hope are sorely needed in this dismal landscape of governance.

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