September 12, 2005

The Administrator,

Via e-mail.


Sub:  Press Statement re: Dabolim/Mopa Airport controversy for kind favour of publication.

Attached please find the Statement issued by the Party in connection with the ongoing controversy of Dabolim & the proposed new International Airport at Mopa in Pernem Taluka and request you to publish the same in your esteemed D-LIST

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

(Dr. N.S. Dumo)


In the context of the ongoing controversy on retaining Dabolim Airport as the Civilian Airport and the non desirability of the proposed new International Airport at MOPA, the Goa Su-Raj Party wants the people of Goa to understand that  it has always maintained the view that Dabolim Airport should service Goa as its sole Civilian Airport and that the Indian Naval Operations conducted from Dabolim Airport should be shifted lock stock and barrel to the Sea Bird Base in neighbouring Karwar.

In fact, sometime back, the Goa Su-Raj Party was appalled to read in the local newspapers that the Goa Legislative Assembly, during the tenure of Manohar Parrikar led Government, had passed a resolution almost without discussion on a motion moved by Mr. Jitendra Deshprabhu, MLA from Pernem, to create a new civilian airport at Mopa. That the motion enjoyed the support of all the Congress MLAs in the Assembly apart from the BJP Legislators, is therefore not in doubt.

The Goa Su-Raj Party maintains that the Dabolim Airport which was a civilian airport during the erstwhile Portuguese regime was taken over by the Indian Defence Forces during ‘Operation Vijay’ in 1961, but instead of reverting the same to civilian authority, the Indian Naval Forces continued occupying the same in a manner reminiscent  of conquering forces and not  liberating ones.

The Goa Su-Raj Party also draws the attention of the people of Goa that when Mr. Mathany Saldanha wrote a well substantiated article, which appeared in one of the local English  dailies, much prior to his election as the MLA from Cortalim, concerning the illegal occupation by the Indian Navy of the Dabolim Airport. The Indian Navy, which hitherto had not reacted to talk on Mopa,  immediately backed the idea of such a civilian airport to seek to draw off heat from the demand for the return of the Dabolim Airport to Civilian Authority.

Goa Su-Raj Party, whilst congratulating Mr. Churchill Alemao, MP, on his belated stand on the Dabolim Airport, wishes to remind the general public of Goa that if the demand for the return of the Dabolim Airport to the Civilian status is to succeed, they will have to force their respective MLAs, for whom they have voted,  to  take a positive stand towards this issue and to force the Government of Goa to desist from creating another airport which will service areas of Maharashtra  and cause the downfall of the Tourism Industry in Goa, for,  once Mopa International Airport has been constructed, the Indian Navy will do everything  in its power to relentlessly curb and/or bring difficulties in the way of the civilian flights landing at Dabolim.

The Goa Su-Raj Party has made its intentions very clear on the Dabolim and Mopa Airports in its recently released ‘Road Map for Goa’  and hereby gives a call to all like minded people of Goa, irrespective of their Party inclinationsaffiliations, to come together on one platform for the return of Dabolim Airport to the Civilian status and for  scrapping the projected International Airport at Mopa in Pernem Taluka.  

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