--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Victor,
> I could not read the attachment that may have
> attached to your posting.  
> However if you will bear with me, I would like to
> respond to what the headline of your post suggest.
> Hurricane Katrina was a natural disaster exacerbated
> by human miscalculations.
> It realy does not matter what others think of
> Americans. It matters what we Americans think of 
> ourselves and what we do about it.
Mario responds:
You have made excellent points, Gilbert, and the
response after the initial chaos has been typical of
America and Americans.  The political response from
the rest of the world has also been typical, from
some, immediate offers of assistance, from others,
gloating over what they see as another opportunity to
attack the US and President Bush.
As you must have seen in the world media, as well as
the left-wing media in the US, many are using the
response as a political weapon against President Bush,
by deliberately pretending this is a top-down
dictatorship, without any knowledge or understanding
of the federal system of government, and who exactly
was responsible, by law, at every level.
For example, only Fox News has reported that it took
TWO personal phone calls from the President to
Governor Blanco before she reluctantly agreed to
declare the state of emergency on the Sunday before
Katrina struck.  How many people know that the
President cannot, by law, intervene in a state short
of an act of insurrection by the local Governor?
I saw the head of the American Red Cross say in an
interview that they, as well as FEMA and the Salvation
Army, were prevented from going to the Superdome and
the Convention Center the day after the levees broke,
by State of Louisiana authorities.  Why?  Because they
wanted to discourage people from staying at these
places.  In the meantime, the Mayor was yelling his
head off for help, after he had forgotten his own
"mandatory" evacuation order for the 25% of people who
did not evacuate Nawlins, and hundreds of school and
city buses, that could have been used, sat idle.
The race baiters got into the act because many of the
victims in Nawlins were black.  The fact is that with
a 70% black population and 75% pre-hurricane
evacuation rate, many more blacks had evacuated than
those who stayed, for various reasons, which covered
the spectrum from apathy to outright carelessness to
illness age and disability.  This last group were the
real victims of the failures of leadership.
How many people know from only seeing what happened in
downtown Nawlins on their TV screens that there was a
50 mile by 1/2 mile swath of total destruction along
the MS coast and part of the AL coast, with little
loss of life because most of the people had evacuated,
and almost all the property owners there were white? 
How many Americans, forget the ignorant Europeans,
know that there is an Orleans Levee Board whose sole
responsibility was the safety of the levees that have
protected Nawlins for over 300 years.  Filled with
political hacks appointed by the Mayor and Governor,
this Board had the power to raise funds through tax
exempt bonds to upgrade the levees.  Instead they had
invested in casinos and commercial development
Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana (LA) has been one
of the most strident national politicians trying to 
blame the President.  She needs to be careful.  Unless
one is familiar with LA politics, one would not know
from her comments that she and her family have
dominated Nawlins politics for decades like the
Kennedys have in MA.  Her father used to Mayor for
years, her brother is the Lt. Governor right now.  Yet
she has not introduced a single bill in congress to
address the problems of the levees in her state, and
neither has her family taken a leadership role in this
brewing issue of the inadequate levees in the state
Not many people know that President Bush was asked by
the Governor of MS, Haley Barbour, NOT to come down to
the disaster area until AFTER the emergency search and
rescue operations had been substantially accomplished,
because he and his entourage would just divert
attention from saving lives.
But you are absolutely right.  The only good that ever
comes out of a screw-up is that it should never be
repeated again.  Let us hope the political
opportunists will be suppressed by cooler heads and
Nawlins will rise again, safer and more charismatic
than before.

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