By 1975 Goa would have become free from the Portuguese rule along with other 
colonies like Mocambique, Angola, Guinea etc.
 But then the regedor and padre vigario would have continued with their 
capricious ways. Indeed, Goan catholic masses would have had to be 
"liberatable" further. How long would this have taken ?
 Let us deal , for the time being, with on aspect only i.e. education.
 Goan villages are brimming with life especially womenfolk and children. The 
males are either in Bombay or on the board of ships earning their livelihood 
and sending money back home by postal orders.
 The womenfolk are, however, worried. They want their children to be 
educated to secure better lives in the future.
 The brown clergy of Goa are having field day for three centuries ( 1661 to 
1961 ) with their sunday sermons. They were in a good position to bring 
education to catholic masses by opening at least primary schools if not 
secondary ones. But they did nothing of the sort for reasons which are not 
hard to imagine.


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