Dear Fred,

Here is something on Acharya Dharmanand Kosambi( 1876-1947), born in the
village of Sancoale, Goa in 1976.  He was a buddhist, having learnt pali
language and literatrure, Shanskrit, Shinghalese, and had interest in jain
literatrure. etc. He translated Buddhist texts into Mararthi. Was enthused
by Karl Marx and socialiasm. Took part in the indian freedom movement with
Gandhiji, participating in the salt satyagraha at Shiroda, and was arrested
and sentenced to a period of forced labour, worked for eradication of
casteism and lent weight of his name to various concerns of contemporary
society, like co-operative movement.

( N.B I am yet to find any book written by him. Probably some one could
enlighten me about his books.He died in 1947. In  the City of Vasco da Gama,
there is Kosambi Building, dedicated to him on the Swatantra Road.)

( Ref. GOMES, Olivinho de, 'GOA',2004, National Book Trust, India, New
Delhi, pp 303-305 )

 Kind regards, Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.

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