<<  It seems to us that Goan Catholics have little or no influence in
Rome and in the churches and dioceses they serve. It seems to us that
those Catholic churches such as the Portuguese Church and dioceses
around the world that Goan Catholics have faithfully served could and
should petition the Vatican to be as flexible in its rules for a Goan
and other Indian saints as it has for those of other communities and
countries. It amazes many of us that while the Catholic Church has
bent its rules to give saints to other nations, she continues to
withold from India, the mother of great religions and land of saints,
the honor of having a single fully native Indian Catholic saint.  It
amazes us that the churches around the world that benefit from the
service of Indian Catholics are silent on this lack of Indian Catholic
saints.  >> JNVI

WHY do we need a *native* Indian Catholic saint?

Will having *our very own saint* enable us to enjoy:

1. Electricity supply that is 24x7 and in dire emergencies gets restored in
a few hours.

2. Cable TV that is steady and stable (i.e. no sudden switching of channels,
hijacking of one channel by another, channels going on and off like a
Christmas tree's lights etc)

3. A newspaper guy who can deliver a Mumbai paper latest by noon and not
6:00 in the evening and sometimes the next day!

4. Computer guys who have every intention of keeping their home service

5. Streets, roads, highways (and sidewalks) that are free of potholes.

6. A beach that is free of litter and not black.

7. A public library that is systematically run  and has an uptodate
collection of books, periodicals and papers.

8. Long distance connectivity by bus, train or plane that is cheap and
cheerful and available on demand.

9. At least one more petrol station where one can get air pressure checked
automatically and not manually.

10. A riverside road in town that is not a micromini roller coaster with
umpteen bumps along the way.  ""  ?

If yes, why wait for a *firangi* in Rome to declare XYZ as *our very
own saint*?  Let's go ahead and declare to the world that XYZ is
henceforth *our very own* native Indian Catholic saint.


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