Folks -

In the Unites States for domestic flights, the NEW departure time is the one that passengers are "held to" for check-in purposes. So if your 7am flight is now POSTED (on the website, with Reservations, etc.) to depart at 9am, you have until 830am to check in.

franedna wrote:

Hi there,
Answer to below questionnaire:  A)
Am I right?


----- Original Message ----- From: "LetsGotoGoa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 9:15 PM
Subject: [Goanet] RE: You Know Your Flight is Delayed: What would you do ??

Sorry for the delay.

The answer is A.  (there were 2 correct answers, total feedbacks 21).

The Checking In system will simply not let you in if you arrive even at
6.30am (in this case). The system/airline  will treat your case as 'NO
SHOW' and you will have to come back home dissapointed and with no refund
at all (specially when u buy on special offer). Morever, even if the
system let you in, there may be no seats available etc

The abv rule may not apply if ..
You are advised by the airline about the delay.
You have Checked In Online or telechecking in etc

If in doubts, always phone the airline.

And sometimes, we think we are too smart..

Look at me, on an average, I spent about 100 hrs airbone every year, and I did not know this and I nearly lost my chance to travel to Bombay from LHR
about 10 days ago.

I just thought I would passed this on to you.

Finally, I would like to thank each one of you who have responded to this.

Thanks once again.

From your friends working at airport/airline or thru internet etc..

It is possible to know the flight which your are travelling is delayed say
by 3 hours (Ticket/flt Departing Time is say 7am)

Now that you know that your flt is delayed..

What would you do ?

A. Leave home at usual time (as if the flt leaving at scheduled time- 7am)

B. Leave home 3 hours later then above A.

C. Wait till your travel agent phones you.

Please answer in 3 days. (u may just say A, B or C).


Please Note: By public demand/requests, this type of TRAVEL info will
continue distributing to all groups as usual except DIRECT FLT DEALS TO

for Goa & Goa Flights info..

GOAN NRI related..

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