Hello Cornel -

I'm quite pleased to see this post - married Priesthood is near and dear to my heart! I'm married to a priest and I've known for probably 15 years, thanks to an article in Time magazine, that there are HUNDREDS of married RC priests in the US functioning with full Vatican approval. These men came over to Rome from Canterbury for different reasons (mostly they are against the ordination of women and practicing homosexuals) and are in parishes all over the United States.

My married priest did the opposite - Ariosto went from Rome to the Anglican Church. I remember when I first met Ariosto, while he was a Salesian of Don Bosco, I casually mentioned to him (*wink*wink*) about married RC priests and HE had never heard of it, yet he'd been ordained for almost 20 years at the time. I'm not even sure he believed me but then of course came to know it's true. His Parish Priest at the first Anglican Parish where he served also made the switch to Rome a few years ago and brought his wife and daughter with him to St. Catherine's Roman Catholic Church in Burlingame, California, just down the road from us. While there are some Goans who were supportive from the beginning of our marriage (being an inter-racial couple was another "problem"), there was some consternation among the Goan community here in the Bay Area and in Goa, but now, all these many years later, most people have come to accept us. Ariosto was recently asked to celebrate the Mass for the 21st birthday of a young Goan man and many Goans did receive Holy Communion. Goan women who had refused to speak to me or even look at me for more than a decade were downright friendly - it was really a turning point for us, and the young man's mother is a very courageous woman. Ariosto performs about 30 marriages each year and it does come as a surprise to many people that he's married. He enjoys being a married priest and always believed that there was no reason why he couldn't be both.

WRT your original question (for those of you who are still awake) I do believe that Rome keeps secret for a few reasons. The obvious one is MONEY. It would cost a lot of money to support married priests and their families, wouldn't it? Another view, held by David Rice in his book Shattered Vows, Exodus from The Priesthood, is that the Church needs its priests to be obedient, loyal and devoted to the Pope, not their wives and children. A third, and this is MY opinion, is that it would be difficult to explain to the fellows who have lived celibate and probably lonely lives why the other guys can have families and they can't. I assure you that not all RC priests know that some of their colleagues are married.


cornel wrote:

Very recently, I attended, a Roman Catholic wedding ceremony in London......

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