Dear Mr. B. Colaco,

It does not make an iota of  a difference if you call yourself a
Goan, or anything else.

There are many a distant DOGS who only bark while the HYENAS, both
indegenous as well as others, are bent on stripping the bones of Mother Goa

And before you think of improvising a pat answer to the above, just sit
alone in a dark room for a while and ponder on what I have said above. You
will be doing yourself a good service as a GOAN, if that is to be believed.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernado Colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Mr. Goa Su-raj, I would like to be called a Goan only.
> Please do not confuse Goan people with tricky words
> and statements.
> B. Colaço

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