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Mumbai | October 10, 2005 7:45:49 PM IST

The implementation of skybus project, an ambitious and innovative
venture of the Konkan Railway (K R) may be delayed by an year with the
experts committee, set up by the Union Urban Development Ministry to
study its feasibility, recommending more test trials be conducted.

The technology, a dream project of former Konkan Railway Managing
Director B Rajaram, had been successfully demonstrated in a test track
at Madgaon in Goa last year.

Speaking at a meet-the-press programme, organised by the Mumbai
Marathi Patrakar Sangh, Mr Rajaram's successor K K Gokhale said the
committee has stated that the skybus project is a positive working
technology. However, it requires more testing for passenger safety.

''The experts committee has also suggested that the Centre provide
adequate funds to the K R to enable it undertake the test trials and
upgrade the project infrastructure'', Dr Gokhale informed.

He said the 15 year agreement between the railways and four states of
Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka and Kerala for the implementation of the
Konkan railway project has ended in June this year.

''Talks are on at the ministry level whether to continue with the same
model of Konkan railway or whether to convert its losses into equity
or merge K R with the Indian railways'', Dr Gokhale said adding that
nothing has been decided as yet, but different options are being

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