Kudos to Wendell, Margaret Mascarenhas, Helga,
Floriano Lobo, Melinda and countless others who are
fighting the battle to control the garbage situation
in our beautiful Goa. We need help, from everyone.
Goans in Goa and the Goan diaspora.

The Goa government has disingenously, "passed the
buck" as far as garbage disposal is concerned to
Panchayats and Municipalities without giving them the
wherewithall to do it.   As a consequence the
Panchayats especially, who are made up mostly of not
so educated politicians, have in turn passed the buck
on to private contractors to pick up garbage and
dispose it....and dispose it they do by the side of
the road and in areas less frequented, with scant
concern for health and the outbreak of disease.

While Goans overseas celebrate World Goa Day, of which
I am a very staunch supporter, it is time for the
Goans in the diaspora if they are true Goans, to take
tne next step,and do something for Goa.  Otherwise,
your beautiful Goa will be covered with garbage.  If
you are Goans at heart and not just in name, then for
heaven's sake, do something.  Get a signature campaign
going, write to the rotten politicians in Goa, write
to the Press in Goa, get people's attention to what is
happening in Goa.
You cannot be "Proud to be a Goan" if Goa is one big
garbage dump !  What will you be proud of ?

How can we invite tourists to Goa when Goa is a
stinking garbage pile ?  Before we get the
International Film Festival of India and a new
International airport, we need the basics, and that is
basic hygiene in Goa, garbage disposal, toilets etc.

Help !!!!

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